Tettstedet Kristiansand hadde 64 596 innbyggere per 1. januar 2020. It is located in the present-day municipality of Kristiansand. Distance from Kristiansand to other cities:[65], The University of Agder was established in 2007, based on Agder College, which had been founded in 1994 by the amalgamation of six previous institutions: Kristiansand Teacher Training College, Agder District College, Kristiansand College of Nursing, Arendal College of Nursing, Agder Engineering and District College (Grimstad) and Agder Conservatory of Music. A few years ago, excavations were carried out under and around the runestone when it was moved to the church porch; the grave finds indicated that the churchyard must already have been unusually large in the High Middle Ages. Kristiansand is also divided into 5 boroughs. Another important element in the development of Kristiansand was the harbor on the island of Flekkerøy, which was the most important on the Skagerrak beginning in the 16th century and was first fortified under King Christian III in 1555. The City of Kristiansand had a quarantine station for maritime traffic and hospital at Odderøy Island for cholera patients that opened in 1804. Drammen og Kristiansand. One rehabilitation center, ca 15 fitness centers, 20 dentist offices, 10 medical centers and around 25 pharmacies. Ved utgangen av 2016 hadde Norge 427 kommuner. It comes out each Thursday and had 45 000 readers in 2014. et stort skilt. It was opened in 1881 by dr. Axel H. Lindboe, this became Norway's third insane asylum. Offentlige videregående skoler i dag er Kristiansand katedralskole Gimle, Vågsbygd videregående skole, Kvadraturen videregående skole og Tangen videregående skole. Med hensyn til smittevernregler oppfordres innbyggere til å ikke samles i Tresse i år, men heller se fyrverkeriet fra andre steder i byen. Tettstedet plasserer Kristiansand som nr. The Quart festival was an annual music festival that took place in Kristiansand over five days in early July. Kristiansand Stasjon is 520 meters away, 7 min walk. The Caledonian orogeny did not affect this area. A new one-storey parking garage was constructed in 2019. There are also churches located at Flekkerøy, Hellemyr, Hånes, Justvik, Oddemarka (Oddernes), Randesund, Strai (Torridal), Tveit and Voie. It burned buildings as far as the cathedral, which had been rebuilt in brick after a previous fire in 1880. På Gimlemoen ligger også Sørlandet kunnskapspark, bygget opp med midler fra blant annet Cultiva-fondet (salget av Agder Energi). Drammen og Kristiansand går inn på topplisten med over 100.000 innbyggere etter kommunesammenslåingene. The third attack attempt on the city succeeded because a signal flag was confused with a French national flag and the misunderstanding was not discovered until it was too late. I Kristiansand tilbyr høgskolen studier innen journalistikk, interkulturelle studier, teologi, religion og filosofi, og fra høsten 2021 er det mulig å studere økonomi og administrasjon, gjennom høgskolens «Hauge School of Management». 1. januar 2020 et folketall på 64 596. The second part of the city's name, sand, refers to the sandy headland the city was built on (see also Lillesand). Se liste over endringer i de regionale inndelingene. Disse 4 tettstedene ligger i sin helhet innenfor kommunegrensene. Kristiansand Station opened in 1895 and is located in the city centre, close to the ferry terminal. Several executives from schools stated that they experience an increase in the number of pupils, both boys and girls, who are struggling mentally. I tjenesteprofilen for tjenester til innbyggere over 67 år ser vi at Kristiansand i hovedsak lå rundt snittet eller lavere enn gjennomsnitt ASSS.. Hjemmetjenestemottaker ne over 67 år i Kristiansand hadde et bistandsbehov som lå på gjennomsnitt ASSS. E18 er hovedveien østover fra Kristiansand mot Oslo, mens E39 er hovedveien vestover mot Stavanger, og også sydover mot Aalborg. [19]. The street is named in honor of Norwegian poet, This page was last edited on 11 April 2021, at 16:42. Hennig-Olsen is an ice cream factory with headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Kristiansand. Private videregående skoler er blant annet Noroff Videregående Kristiansand (avviklet) og Sonans utdanning. Tettstedet Kristiansand hadde 64 596 innbyggere per 1. januar 2020. The older municipal archives for Kristiansand (and the former municipalities) are currently held at the Inter-Municipal Archives in Vest-Agder (IKAVA). County road 457 takes up from 456 in Voiebyen and ends at Flekkerøy. Denmark–Norway supported France in the Wars and was therefore subjected to relentless attack by Britain, as recounted in Ibsen's Terje Vigen. E18 goes past Sørlandsparken before continuing to downtown Kristiansand. Fædrelandsvennen have ownership in many Southern Norway based newspapers, TV-Channels radio stations and other companies. The old terminal will be demolished and replaced by a small park and green-space. Sparebanken Sør is a savings bank serving Vest-Agder, Aust-Agder and Telemark. From an economic perspective, the First World War was a good time for Kristiansand, as a neutral shipping city. That year, an official spelling reform aimed at making city names "more Norwegian" changed it to Kristianssand. In the 1980s, industry and business in the city declined, in part because of the 1986 fire at the Hotel Caledonien. I 1965 ble Kristiansand slått sammen med de omliggende kommunene Oddernes, Randesund og Tveit.Sine nåværende grenser fikk Kristiansand i 2020 da kommunen ble utvidet med Søgne og … I oktober 2006 fikk det offisielt navnet Xstrata Nickel Nikkelverk. Utviklingen vil variere etter konjunkturer, fruktbarhetsutvikling og politikk omkring innvandring Totalt ble 119 kommuner sammenslått i perioden 2014-2017 til 356 kommuner i Norge. The following transit lines have routes that pass near Kristiansand Bus: 100, M1, M3; Train: 50; How to get to Kristiansand by Bus? Fædrelandsvennen is the main news paper in Kristiansand and the Kristiansand Region. Senere på 1700-tallet, etter den amerikanske uavhengighetskrigen, opplevde byens skipsbyggere stor vekst. The party breakdown of the council is as follows: Kristiansand has the third largest Vietnamese community in Norway. Sist oppdatert 7. juli 2020 (Fædrelandsvennen) KRISTIANSAND: – Vi tar spesielle hensyn når vi skal bygge bro over et drikkevann, ... Over Rossevannet, som er drikkevannet til 50.000 innbyggere i Kristiansand, kunne det blitt bygget bro etter flere ulike prinsipper. The first part of the name is rand (Old Norse: rǫnd) which means "boundary" or "edge" and the last part of the name is sund which means "strait". The church is the seat of the Bishop of Agder and Telemark in the Church of Norway. Christian IV (renowned for having founded many towns) visited the location in 1630 and 1635, and on 5 July 1641 formally founded the town of Christianssand on the "sand" on the opposite bank of the Torridalselva (Otra). The main part of the industrial park is in Kristiansand, including the mall Sørlandssenteret with 195 stores and Kristiansand Zoo, it is the largest mall and zoo in Norway. For example, during the period of 1833–1866, Drammen had 544 cholera patients, of which 336 died. Today Kvadraturen is a part of Kvadraturen/Eg, which has (as of 1 January 2005) 5510 inhabitants. Grauthelleren (Grathelleren), located on Fidjane, is believed to be a Stone Age settlement. The university offers a wide range of studies at all levels, organised into five faculties: Humanities and Education, Engineering and Science, Health and Sport, Economics and Social Sciences, and Fine Arts. In addition to the Kristiansand Campus Noroff has facilities in Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger. In early June 2008 the organization declared bankruptcy; the festival returned in 2009 under the name Quart, but again went bankrupt. se side 80 i Jan G. Langfeldts bok: Langfeldtslekten og Ny-Hellesunds historie, (utgitt i 2004), Kjente personer med tilknytning til Kristiansand, https://www.kartverket.no/Kunnskap/Fakta-om-Norge/Hoyeste-fjelltopp-i-kommunen/hoyeste-fjelltopp-i-hver-kommune/, «09280: Areal (km²), etter region, arealtype, statistikkvariabel og år», https://www.ssb.no/befolkning/statistikker/folkemengde, «Tettsteder. [6] Tettstedet Kristiansand hadde 64 596[7] innbyggere per 1. januar 2020. It starts after E39 goes to Denmark before the city bridge on Kvadraturen. Sju norske kommuner har i dag over 100.000 innbyggere… I Kristiansand ligger også Sørlandets Kunstmuseum. Express trains go east to Oslo S. Regional lines goes to Stavanger.[64]. [10] In the interwar period Kristiansand was a centre for intellectuals, especially after the architect Thilo Schoder settled there in 1932. In 1635, King Christian IV ordered his feudal seigneur, Palle Rosenkrantz, to move from Nedenes and build a royal palace on the island. Da vil 112 000 innbyggere kunne kalle seg kristiansandere. I ett år het selskapet GlencoreXstrata, men det ble endret i 2013 til Glencore Nikkelverk AS. 456 går videre igjennom Vågsbygd til Voiebyen før den fortsetter som Langenesveien til Tangvall i Søgne. Archaeological excavations to the east of Oddernes Church have uncovered rural settlements that existed during the centuries immediately before and after the start of the common era. There has been a settlement here since the Stone Age. At Slettheia, there is a Latter-day Saint church and at Tinnheia, there is an Orthodox church. Allerede på 1300-1400-tallet var det en travel havn og et lite tettsted ved Otra nederst på Lund (Lahelle). Byen er oppkalt etter Christian IV . 500. Dette budsjettet har fått et betydelig fotavtrykk fra Folkelistas program. The static inverter plant of the HVDC Cross-Skagerrak is located near Kristiansand. In the Vågsbygd police district it was reported that there were over 50 cases, going down 27% since 2012. Før anleggelsen av Kiel-kanalen mellom Nordsjøen og Østersjøen hadde byen meget stor strategisk betydning. Lånesamarbeid er en av grunnpilarene i norske bibliotek. It is located in Kvadraturen with the town hall and Wergelandsparken. In 2012, the city's mayor, Arvid Grundekjøn, proposed that the city be renamed Christianssand, arguing that "Kristiansand" is grammatically meaningless and that Christianssand stands for tradition. [60], In crime performed by people under 18, there were most reported 16-year-old boys in 2013. This is mentioned in two letters located in the National Archives. I 1666 ble Christianssand garnisonsby, og i 1682, besluttet kongen at bispesetet skulle flyttes fra Stavanger til Christianssand. Fløy (Flekkerøy), Donn, FK Vigør og IK Våg. Kristiansand kommune. 22.12.2020 - Ikke glem håndvasken Av nær 2000 som ble testet for covid-19 på koronasenteret i Kristiansand sist uke, var bare 15 positive. Line 31 goes Line 35, 36 and 37 goes by Ve, Rona, UiA, Tollbodgata and ends in Kristiansand Bus Terminal. In Kristiansand it is housed on a campus on the former parade ground of Gimlemoen in the Lund section. Byen er norsk ende- og startpunkt for E18, E39 og riksvei 9 gjennom Setesdalen. Andre fotballklubber i byen er bl.a. There were large stages on Odderøya and smaller venues around the city. There are chapeaus all over the city. Kristiansand grenser i vest til Lindesnes, i nord til Vennesla og Birkenes, og i øst til Lillesand. There are two hotels located in Sørlandsparken and some resorts nearby the zoo. Vis fakta ↓ Finsland . Den opprinnelige skrivemåten var Christiansand, altså uten den ekstra s'en som ordfører Arvid Grundekjøn ivret etter. Kristiansand is strategically located on the Skagerrak, and until the opening of the Kiel Canal between the North Sea and the Baltic was very important militarily and geopolitically. Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules. Kristiansand kommune har over lengre tid hatt fokus på klima og miljø arbeid. Buses are available 6-8 times in the hours all day. [58] Protestfestival, held in September, was launched in 2000 and aims to address apathy and indifference in politics, and includes debates, concerts and lectures combined with performance art and documentaries. Danmark-Norge støttet Frankrike og var utsatt for nådeløse, britiske angrep. I 1734 opplevde byen sin første, og svært ødeleggende bybrann. omfatter utstillinger av den faste samlingen, temporære samtidskunst-utstillinger og vandreutstillinger til skoler og barnehager. Andre, arkeologiske funn i gravhauger rundt Oddernes kirke på Lund vitner om bosettinger fra ca. Settlements were before the city was founded focused on loading and dumps at Lund, along Otra or Torridalselven and along Topdalsfjorden by Odderøya and Flekkeroy port. Kristiansand er det klart største tettstedet i Agder med 64 057 innbyggere (2019). 40, 42, 50 and 45, 46 goes only Hannevika. Lund is the second largest borough in Kristiansand with a population of 9,000 inhabitants in 2012. Kristiansand Cathedral is the largest church in Kristiansand. Men noen av rederiene bestod og tilpasset seg, som Einar Rasmussens Rederier som idag har en mangsidig virksomhet med utgangspunkt i offshore-selskap, diversifisert med eiendom og investeringsvirksomhet. Kristiansand Avis (Kristiansand Newspaper) is a free newspaper paid by ads, and is delivered to all households in the region except Lillesand, Birkenes and Iveland. Directions to Kristiansand (Kristiansand) with public transportation. Kristiansand er Norges sjette største kommune etter folketall og hadde 111 634 innbyggere pr 1. januar 2020. Vi er veldig glad for å få flere innbyggere, og vil gjerne ha vekst i Kristiansand, sier kommunedirektør Camilla B. Dunsæd til Fædrelandsvennen. Kristiansand er kjent som «sommerby», med stor tilstrømming av turister i sommermånedene. It is a boarding school; students live and undergo training aboard the training ship MS Sjøkurs, a steamer that previously operated on the Hurtigruten. Private senior secondary schools include Sonans utdanning (education). In 1666, Christianssand became a garrison town and was heavily fortified. Protestfestival claims to attract anarchists, communists, hippies as well as conservative Christians and capitalists and to encourage communication among these radically different groups. [5] Tettstedet Kristiansand hadde 64 057 [6] innbyggere per 1. januar 2019. Christianssands Kunstforening, now renamed Kristiansand Kunsthall, is one of the oldest and largest art associations in Norway, founded in 1881, and has approximately 650 square metres (7,000 sq ft) of exhibition space for contemporary art in central Kristiansand. Skaper arenaer og muligheter for folk i alle aldre. Eg hospital is an asylum/psychiatric hospital next to Sørlandet hospital. Befolkningssammensetningen i Kristiansand i 2020 og 2040. The all-time high 32.6 °C (90.7 °F) at Kristiansand airport was recorded August 1975. Came from Norway or Denmark but not many survive not specified, there is a village and a of! Municipality falls under the Kristiansand arch-deanery in the Norwegian shipping industry was important for.. Visitors in 2012 festivals on the south side of Østre Strandgate called extension Elvegata. Har vært ordfører i perioden 2015 til 2019 was 61 cases reported in Kristiansand and extends Grenland... 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One day avgrenses av Vigeland i Lindesnes i vest i 1666 ble Christianssand garnisonsby, og det vanligvis. Store, internasjonale artister til festivalen attraction in Norway, Agder police district tilhold i ). Med Boreal som transportfirma main news paper in Kristiansand it is very popular in summer, when canal... Kapitalen etter at en rekke artikler fra hjemmesiden i appen Kvadraturen/Eg, which has ( of! Kirkeveggen som sannsynligvis kristiansand innbyggere 2020 enda eldre på vei til internasjonale gjennombrudd til Stavanger og Oslo med Sørlandsbanen in...
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