Incendios forestales y agropecuarios: prevención e impacto y restauración de los ecosistemas. (20 de enero de 2013). RRD en Educación Primarias y Secundarias 6. pp. Materials generated at the 3rd International Seminar on Watershed Management 2004, Quick Jump to New Member Training: Adding Content, Quick Jump to New Member Orientation : Working in a group, Quick jump to the Watershed Management Portion of the RM Portal Library, Watershed Management Seminar Brochure: September 19 - October 9, 2006, Proceeding: International Conference on Local Capacity Building for Healthy Watersheds, Boletines de los Miembros de la Iniciativa Langosta Espinosa, Global Issues in Governance of Natural Resources, Quick Link to the NRM&D Portal Online Learning Center, Smartfolder for Amazon Basin Conservation Information and Deforestation, Smartfolder for Amazon Basin Conservation Information and Institutional Strengthening, Smartfolder for Amazon Basin Conservation Initiative and Social Justice, Environmental Economics & Finance Documents, Documents already on the RM Portal Tagged: Environmental Economics and Finance For Review, How to Use DEC-XML and RIS to Share References Between the RM Portal and Other Tools, Environmental Economics & Finance Calendar List View, Famine and Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), Sustainable Dryland Ecosystems and Societies Working Group, Link to RM Portal Learning Management System, University of Nairobi: The Center for Sustainable Dryland Ecosystems and Societies, Help Documents to Support Group Activities, USAID RM Portal Adds New Research and Content Management Services, How To Add Content to the Portal: A General Overview, International Technical Assistance Program, CBNRM Literature For Review and Discussion, A collection for RMPortal Literature Tagged "CBNRM For Review", Environmental governance phase 2 project evaluation (EcoGov 2 eval) : final evaluation report, Imported Content from the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) and Google Scholar, Printable version of the CBNRM Annotations, USAID RM Portal Adds New Research and Content Management Services Folder, Bringing DEC Search Results into the RM Portal, Bringing Database Search Results (RIS) into the RM Portal and Exporting RMPortal content into your Endnotes or Zotero, Canned Searches on the RM Portal on CBNRM Literature, Collection: Community-based Natural Resources Management, Collection: Community-based Coastal and Marine Management, Collection: Community-based Forest Management, Community Based Wildlife Management by Search Term, Community Based Wildlife Management by TAG, Community-based Natural Forest Management, Forest Management Case studies by country, COMPASS ll: Community Partnerships for Sustainable Resources Management in Malawi, Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Africa (ARD RAISE), A World of Learning in Coastal Management: A Portfolio of Coastal Resources Management Program Experience and Products, Canned Searches on the DEC and Google Scholar, DEC CBFM Community-based Forest Management, Google Scholar Community-based Aquatic, Coastal, and Marine Management, Google Scholar Community Based Forest Management, Google Scholar Community Natural Resources Management, Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP) Working Group (2012), Pre-existing RM Portal Documents For NWP Review, RM Portal Dynamic Searches on NWP Literature, How to Use Criteria to Bring Items Into a Collection, How to Use Dates for Collection Criteria and Sorting, How to Use a Collection as the Front Page of a Folder, CB Rangeland & Livestock Management Documents, Documents already on the RM Portal Tagged: CBRLM For Review, Pre-existing RM Portal Documents tagged CB Rangeland or Livestock Management, How to Participate in the CSA Working Group, USAID Regional Climate-Smart Ag/BMPs Workshop - Gracias, Honduras, Presentation files and notes for FEED THE FUTURE Global Forum Sessions on CSA (May 20-21, 2014), Agro-Silvo-Pastoral Systems USAID RMP Search, Climate-Smart Agriculture USAID RMP Search, Climate-Resilient Agriculture USAID RMP Search, Conservation Agriculture USAID RMP Search, Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration USAID RMP Search, Integrated Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation USAID RMP Search, Resilient Farming Systems USAID RMP Search, Soil Carbon Sequestration USAID RMP Search, Sustainable Intensification + High Resilience USAID RMP Search, Sustainable Intensification + Integrating High Production USAID RMP Search, Sustainable Intensification + Low Emissions USAID RMP Search, Sustainable Intensification + Sustainable Agricultural Intensification USAID RMP Search, How to Import Content into the RM Portal from the USAID DEC and Online Databases (Science Direct,, Google Scholar, etc. Problemtica de los incendios forestales del pals Causas de los incendios forestales. Honduras cuenta con la mayor superficie de vocación natural forestal (87%) de CENTROAMÉRICA, la cual a pesar de recibir una constante presión, por diferentes actividades agropecuarias, aun representa el principal potencial para el desarrollo económico del país. 2001. Cuenta con librerías que extraen información sobre GE, DA y DCP desde bases de datos contenidas en el mismo sistema y el usuario puede personalizar dichos valores a sus requerimientos específicos. México. aquel . Una vez terminado el proceso, el sistema mostrará como resultado dos archivos de salida. RRD en Educación Superior. Extranjero para Latino América y el Caribe (USAID/OFDA/LAC). Foundation for Environmental Security and Sustainability, Communities Empowered for Local Decision Making Program (CELD), Macedonia Make Decentralization Work program, USAID Fiscal Reform & Economic Governance, Honduras: Programa de Gobernabilidad y Transparencia de la USAID (honduras Greater Transparency and Accountability in Governance Project), Local Governance Support Program (Indonesia), USAID/ORT Montenegro Advocacy Program (MAP), Venezuela: Iniciativa para la construccion de confianza (VICC), Integrated Management of Coastal & Freshwater Systems, Okavango Integrated River Basin Management Project (IRBM), Natural Resources Information Clearinghouse, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) IAA, Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture (CONASA), Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (SANREM) CRSP, Partners of the Americas Farmer-to-Farmer Program, Partnerships for Food Industry and Development (PFID): Natural Foods, Regional Agriculture Trade Expansion Support Program (RATES), Afghanistan Parliamentary Assistance Project, Tatweer-Developing National Capacity in Public Management, Governance Accountability Project (Bosnia-Herzegovina), FIELD (Financial Integration, Economic Leveraging, Broad-Based Dissemination)-Support Program, BASIS Research Program on Poverty, Inequality and Development CRSP, Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD) - Inclusive Rule of Law, CPCD - Centarza Promociju Civilnog Drustva (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Rehabilitation of Economic Facilities and Services (REFS) Afghanistan, East and Central Africa Global Competitiveness Hub, Access to Clinical and Community Maternal, Neonatal and Womens Health Services (ACCESS), Access Quality and Use in Reproductive Health (ACQUIRE), Regional Knowledge Hub for the Care and Treatment of HIV/AIDS in Eurasia, Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Survival III (BASICS III), Child Survival Technical Project Plus (CSTP+), Communities Responding to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic (CORE) Initiative, Uganda Program for Human and Holistic Development (UPHOLD), A2Z: The USAID Micronutrient and Child blindness program, AAAS Diplomacy Program for Science Fellows II, The Education and Employment (QUEST) alliance, From Ridge to Reef: Integrated water and coastal resources management (Water IQC II), U.S. Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI), Alliance for Mindanao Off-grid Renewable Energy Program (AMORE), The Albanian Initiative: Coordinated Action Against Human Trafficking, Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS), End Violence Against Women Information Resources, Injaz (for the creation of economic opportunities for Jordanian youth), South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and Development, Sustainable Energy Development Program (SEDP), STAJ (National Student Internship Program), USAID/Honduras Rural Economic Diversification Program, Energy Utility Partnership Program (USEA) 2, Integrated Water and Coastal Resources Management IQC, Global Conservation Program/The Nature Conservancy Leader Award, U.S. A lo largo de toda la línea y hasta una altura de 2 metros, se contarán todas las. Figura 1 Combustibles vivos y muertos presentes en los ecosistemas. Cambiar ), Estás comentando usando tu cuenta de Facebook. Esquema general de operación del SICCO v3.0. Dirigente Scout. Esta guía está organizada en 2 módulos. SIPECIF Sistema Nacional para la Prevención y Control de Incendios Forestales. Resumen ejecutivo. 2005. Bautista R., J., E. J. Treviño-Garza, J. J. Návar-Chaidez, O. Después de la voz de alarma se traslada el personal al área del foco de incendio forestal o de masa vegetal y se debe tener en cuenta: • Cuadro 1 Relación del diámetro de combustibles con el tiempo de retardo. La entrada no fue enviada. Visualización en hoja de cálculo del archivo de salida con informe de los procesos, notificación de faltante de información sobre DA. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. En el primer módulo llamado "Plan Comunitario de Prevención de Incendios Forestales" encontrará los fundamentos del Plan Comunitario 3. Pese a que la información de las bases de datos referente a DA requeridas para la estimación de combustibles de hojarasca y fermentación es la más actualizada disponible en la literatura, solo se cuenta con datos para bosques templados y montanos. Deja un comentario. Rev. Manual para Control de Incendios Forestales 24 Organización Forma en que se relacionan las personas en jerarquía, comunicación y división del trabajo para cumplir con su deber. In: Memorias del segundo simposio internacional sobre políticas, planificación y economía de los programas de protección contra incendios forestales: Una visión global. El usuario puede incorporar directamente los valores correspondientes a GE, DCP y DA, o extraerlos de las bases datos del sistema, para esto último, deben corresponder a la zona bioclimática y tipo de vegetación presente en la zona de trabajo. 10 | Manual de Coordinación y Control de Incendios Forestales Manual de Coordinación y Control de Incendios Forestales | 11 Sistema de alerta temprana Como parte importante de las medidas de prevención y planifi-cación es importante contar con mapas de las áreas específicas de trabajo, así como sus zonas de amortiguamiento o influencia, de Protección Forestal de la Dirección General de Plantaciones Forestales - DGPF, a fin de dar respuesta a la Solicitud de Información Pública N° 43731 .

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