
what is a platoon

Military unit size, usually composed of two or more squads or equivalent units, This article is about a type of military unit. American English : platoon / pləˈtun / Brazilian Portuguese : pelotão Currently, the Army is made up of three corps with headquarters in the Continental United States. Prior to 1940, a platoon might be commanded by either a warrant officer or a lieutenant. However, in practice, a second lieutenant is usually appointed and then eventually promoted. 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McGinley, Forest Whitaker, and Johnny Depp.It is the first film of a trilogy of Vietnam War films directed by Stone, followed by Born on the Fourth of July (1989) and Heaven & Earth (1993). It is unknown whether that usage was abandoned in the 1820s or earlier, but in present days a Georgian platoon still called "Ozeuili" has a similar size to that of other armies. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The Lieutenant is responsible for maneuvering squads, requesting assets, ensuring security and assigning clear tasks to his lower command (platoon sergeant). As nouns the difference between platoon and company is that platoon is (military) a unit of thirty to forty soldiers typically commanded by a lieutenant and forming part of a company while company is a group of individuals with a common purpose. In an army, a military tactical operations leader is a platoon leader. These squad sizes vary depending on service and country -- but the basic size of a platoon is generally of around 40 people. Learn your equipment’s capabilities, what it can and cannot do. It's commanded by a captain with a first sergeant as the commander's principal NCO assistant. The Corps are considered a deployable level of command used to sustain combat operations. aout 1791. A battalion consists of 3-5 companies and is part of a brigade. The infantry battalion consists of a headquarters and support company (H&S), three rifle companies, and one weapons company. However, tank units operating in Eastern Europe began to standardize their platoons to just two tank squads, for a total of 3 tanks and 9 personnel.[35][36]. English Language Learners Definition of platoon. Names are not exclusive, although some names may be restricted. A command sergeant major assists the lieutenant general in addition to Corps staff. The role of the fire team is to be the movement and the fighting element. Companies are built around a function (specialties such as signal repair or reconnaissance) or around a weapon (infantry, tank). The platoon leader is usually a junior officer—a second or first lieutenant or an equivalent rank. The role of the squad leader is to direct the team leaders (the two leaders in the respective fire teams), communicate locations, control movement of the squad, controls distribution of fire and selects location. Another of these vehicles is used for the zugtrupp. A soldier is not just a component of one unit, but rather every unit. Meaning of platoon. The corporal is in charge of all the soldiers except the light machine gun (LMG) group which is led by the lance corporal. In the Indian army, a platoon consists of three sections. Required fields are marked *. A unit in the Army organizational structure falls under a larger combined unit. Platoon sergeant definition is - a noncommissioned officer normally with the rank of sergeant first class in the U.S. Army and with the rank of staff sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. Platoon (1986) is a harrowing, visceral, ultra-realistic, gutsy, visually-shattering Vietnam-war film, based on the writer/director's own first-hand knowledge as a Vietnam combat-infantry soldier. See the full definition for platoon in the English Language Learners Dictionary. A platoon is a group of vehicles that can travel very closely together, safely at high speed. Three infantry platoons make up a typical infantry company, sometimes with a heavy weapons or support platoon in addition. Philippine Army rifle platoons consists of three squads, each with nine men. The platoon was originally a firing unit rather than an organization. Related Article: 3 Steps For Visiting An Army Recruiter Near You. This platoon organization included one lieutenant, three sergeants, eight corporals, 15 privates first class, and 32 privates. Platoon leader was the single most lethal job of the war. Each section is commanded by a corporal (lance sergeant in the foot guards), with a lance corporal as second-in-command and six riflemen divided into two four-man fireteams. "[3] The word is from the 17th-century French peloton, from pelote meaning a small ball (from the low Latin "pilotta" from Latin "pila"). A platoon will require a cultural shift away from being in control of a motor vehicle to giving complete control and travelling very closely. The corporals and the sergeant, prior to the increase to two corporals per section, led the two squads of the section. Learn who in your platoon is licensed for what, when those licenses expire, when they need check rides. In a few armies, such as the French Army, a platoon is specifically a cavalry unit, and the infantry use "section" as the equivalent unit. Each platoon was divided into four sections, each commanded by a corporal. They can range from a few dozen soldiers to up to 200. Check out our new video that delves into the history of the platoon as a concept, including the key concepts that define platoons and modern-day examples. In the Australian Army, an infantry platoon has thirty-six soldiers organized into three eight-man sections and a twelve-man maneuver support section, with a lieutenant as platoon commander and a sergeant as platoon sergeant, accompanied by a platoon signaller and sometimes a platoon medic (full strength of forty men). In the Hungarian Armed Forces, a rifle platoon is commanded by either a second lieutenant or a first lieutenant, with a platoon sergeant (with the rank of sergeant major), a platoon signaller, an armoured personnel carrier (APC) driver and an APC gunner composing the platoon headquarters. A platoon usually consists of three to four squads or sections. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) uses platoons (Hebrew: "mahlakot", literally "divisions") as the basic unit composing the company and usually consists of 30 to 65 soldiers (or 3–4 tanks in the Armored Corps). The peloton or escadron corresponds to the platoon, equivalent in size to an infantry section and commanded by a lieutenant or sergeant. The squads were primarily a non-tactical sub-unit used mainly for drill (marching practice, formations, ceremonies, etc.) Chris Taylor is a young, naive American who gives up college and volunteers for combat in Vietnam. When creating a Platoon, you can add the following info: Name - This is required and must be 3-24 characters. A platoon is a military unit typically composed of two or more squads, sections, or patrols. The rifle squads each consist of two fire teams and a squad leader, while the weapons squad consists of two medium machine gun teams, two close combat missile teams, and a squad leader. The Corps locations are I Corps at Fort Lewis, WA., III Corps at Fort Hood, TX., and XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, NC. Corps comprise up to five divisions, with anywhere from 20,000 to 40,000 soldiers. In military|lang=en terms the difference between battalion and platoon is that battalion is (military) an army unit having two or more companies, etc and a headquarters traditionally forming part of a regiment while platoon is (military) a unit of thirty to forty soldiers typically commanded by a lieutenant and forming part of a company. Battalions and brigades were not affected by that system. Platoons are made up of two to five sections or squads. Platoon, American war film, released in 1986, that was written and directed by Oliver Stone and was regarded by many critics as one of the best of the movies about the Vietnam War. More recently, the designated marksman of each Australian fireteam has been issued the HK417 in Afghanistan and possibly afterwards. Other kinds of platoons, like a good fielder/weak hitter and a weak fielder/good hitter are possible, but it's safe to assume a left/right platoon unless otherwise specified. Platoon, principal subdivision of a military company, battery, or troop. You are the best qualified member of your platoon to pull your Soldiers together collectively and make things happen. How to use platoon in a sentence. Platoons are commanded by junior commissioned officers (JCOs). In the first platoon, the platoon leader's assistant is a hauptfeldwebel; in the second and third platoons, the assistant is an oberfeldwebel. They can have up to 1,000 soldiers in a Battalion. A platoon is typically the smallest military unit led by a commissioned officer. Each section also has 2 light machine gunners. They can include 10,000 to 16,000 soldiers. Related Article –20 Health Conditions That May Not Allow You To Join The Military. ), combat engineer assault breacher sections consist of two CEV assault breacher vehicles and crews, This page was last edited on 12 April 2021, at 06:40. The field army is one of the largest units in the organizational structure, consisting of 90,000 soldiers, and each subsequent unit falls under a Field Army command. The zugtrupp provides support for the platoon leader and acts as a reserve force (such as two additional snipers or an anti-tank weapon crew). Field artillery platoons, led by a lieutenant (who rode his own horse), with two or three to a battery, normally consisted of two gun sections. A squad, also called a section, consists of about 9 soldiers. One rifle per fireteam has an attached 40mm grenade launcher; one of the grenadiers is the lance corporal. A platoon is a military unit typically composed of two or more squads, sections, or patrols. In military|lang=en terms the difference between battalion and platoon is that battalion is (military) an army unit having two or more companies, etc and a headquarters traditionally forming part of a regiment while platoon is (military) a unit of thirty to forty soldiers typically commanded by a lieutenant and forming part of a company. Philippine Marine Corps rifle platoons are similar in organization and concept to Philippine Army rifle platoons. Battalions can be combat arms, combat support, or combat service support. Join the multiplayer battle and be the first to a para-crate drop to equip your player with powerful weapons! Chris Taylor, a neophyte recruit in Vietnam, finds himself caught in a battle of wills between two sergeants, one good and the other evil. Three sections of two squads each in the heavy machine gun platoon, two sections of four squads each in the 81mm mortar platoon, one section of two squads with four teams each in the Javelin missile section, and one section of four squads with two teams each in the antitank TOW missile section. Marine Security Force Regiment (MSFR), and Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST), https://mrvop.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/thaiarmysetting/, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Platoon&oldid=1017339602, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2011, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, tank and light armored reconnaissance platoons consist of two sections, each containing two tanks/light armored vehicles and crews, assault amphibian vehicle (AAV) platoons consist of four sections, each containing three AAVs and crews (Per T/O 4652M. Both were led by a platoon leader and assistant platoon leader and consisted of three 9-man rifle squads mounted in three vehicles. The weapons company is usually led by a first lieutenant (O-2) and a gunnery sergeant (E-7) because of the generally larger number of Marines (up to 69 in the 81mm mortar platoon) in these platoons (the heavy machine gun platoon being the exception with only 28 members) and the more complex weapon systems employed. Organizational structure from the field army to the fire team consists of corps, division, brigade, battalion, company, platoon, and squad. One half section contained the gun and its implements, its limber (including one ammunition chest) and four to six horses (depending on gun weight and available horses), and several members of the gun crew. 3. A platoon is generally the smallest military unit and can consist of 26 to 50 soldiers. The platoon strength is typically 32 soldiers. For other uses, see, communications platoon (USA headquarters and headquarters company [HHC], airborne, air Assault, and light infantry battalions), Maintenance platoon (USA HHC mechanized infantry/combined arms battalion), Reglement concernant l'exercice et les manoeuvres de l'infanterie. For the umpteenth time, trust your NCOs. In the 17th century the term referred to a small body of musketeers who fired Learn more. Related Article – How To Join The US Army. The platoon is the smallest military unit commanded by a commissioned officer—and all officers graduating from the IDF's Officer's Academy receive a "platoon commander" pin, even if they are not intended to command a platoon. First Army- mobilization, readiness and training command, Third Army- U.S. Army Central, commands U.S. Central Command forces, Fifth Army- U.S. Army North, commands U.S. Northern Command forces, Sixth Army- U.S. Army South, commands U.S. Southern Command forces, Seventh Army- U.S. Army Europe, commands U.S. European Command forces, Eighth Army- U.S. Army South Korea, commands U.S. Korean Command forces, Ninth Army-U.S. Army Africa, commands U.S. Africa Command Forces. They are organized into a company, which normally consists of 3-5 platoons. Related Article –Army EOD (MOS 89D): Career Details. [9] Member nations have stipulated the different names they will use for organizations of this size. The other half section consisted of the caisson (which carried two ammunition chests, tools, spare parts, baggage, and a spare wheel) with its limber (again with one ammunition chest), pulled by four to six horses, and two spare horses (when available) tethered to the rear of the caisson, and the remainder of the gun crew with the corporal and privates riding the horses or sitting on the several ammunition chests lid seats. Platoon organization varies depending on the country and the branch, but a platoon generally comprises 50 people, although specific platoons may range from 9[1] to 100 men. The team leader is generally a corporal or sometimes a sergeant. Platoons are made up of a few squads and fall under a company. It was a well-earned victory, with critics still to this day naming director Oliver Stone’s intense drama as one of war cinema’s finest, … In infantry units, rifle platoons are generally made up of five squads. In some elite units, such as Maglan, Egoz or Duvdevan, the teams are usually smaller and commanded by officers, with the platoon commanded by a higher-ranking officer, while in special forces units like Shayetet 13 and Sayeret Matkal all combatants are officers. By 2023, it should be possible to drive across Europe on motorways (thus And ceremonies in order of battle modify his opinion and I 'm wondering about the Mobile infantry 's.. Forces, the platoon comprises 29 soldiers, usually one which is the! From a few dozen soldiers organized into squads and fall under a company consists of 2-5 divisions can. A headquarters and support company ( H & s ), a platoon to pull your soldiers together and. His first assignment, there are 50+ in a battalion task-force, what is a platoon. Is pointed out to him, Lt. Wolfe only replies that he does ``! 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