
the ref rotten tomatoes

4 people decide to leave the upturned yaught, while one stays, andc swim to a near by reef(10 miles or so) even the thoughts of sharks dont stop them although a few are much against it, once ouit a shark does stalk them, and strike. Regal April 13, 2021. By signing up, you agree to receiving newsletters from Rotten Tomatoes. 1 » Help; About Rotten Tomatoes; What's the Tomatometer? All Critics (20) Coming Soon. | Rating: 3/4 The Australian tourist industry will hate it but The Reef is an extremely effective watery horror/thriller. The old mother who is gruff with little tact and heavily controls one son too much. You may later unsubscribe. The Ref is a hilarious holiday film that delivers some good laughs, but it has trouble finding the right tone. The old mother not liking either sons wives and the wives not liking her (the mother-in-law) either. Its all very obvious really, naturally Leary uses his quickfire motormouth wit to spearhead much of the comedy and cruel attacks against various family members. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Rotten Tomatoes was founded in 1998 by students at the University of California, Berkeley who wanted reviews for kung fu movies in one place. that lives up to its fun come-on: 'Pray that you drown first.'. When a burglar takes a married couple hostage on Christmas Eve, he get more than be bargained for as the couple's dysfunctional family comes to visit. Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found in your order confirmation email. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. In fact it's so badly defined that it was only about three quarters of the way through the movie that I realised it was a lone shark and not just a random bunch of maneaters. Caught in the middle are the kids who watch with glee as their parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents swear and curse at each other. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! This is one of those perfect anti-Christmas flicks that's perfect for Christmas. |, June 3, 2020 Yeah you know it will have a happy ending and you kinda know how it will pan out as your watching, but its still a dark razor sharp witty pleasure. |, May 28, 2013 "Wolf Creek" and "The Loved Ones" are two of the better horror flicks of the last ten years, and "The Reef" is one of the better shark movies since "Jaws". We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. The trouble with The Ref is that it keeps running out of steam, so it seems to develop a new plot wrinkle every seven minutes. Traucki manages to keep the tension running throughout the film's 94-minute runtime even before the shark ever shows up to make dinner out of the cast. April 13, 2021. That's what this movie lacks. A film so bleak even Krampus had to watch "Elf" immediately afterwards to regain his Christmas spirit. The Ref (1994) 72% #58. This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. Rotten Tomatoes has had a series of bad reviews for all DC Comic movies. Screen Australia, March 16, 2011 Kangaroo "Skin to skin" tan. |, September 5, 2011 Sound tells the story. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Dr. John Dolittle lives in solitude behind the high walls of his lush manor in 19th-century England. | Fresh (39) You're almost there! They can be smashed with a Hammer to drop two pieces of produce of the corresponding type plus a 75% chance for another one and two Plant Seeds of the corresponding type plus a 25% chance for another one. It's miraculous casting, and the Australian Davis -- for my money the finest actress around, bar none -- is simply uncanny in her command of East Coast gentility combined with razor-sharp timing and comedic expression. The 200 Best Romantic Comedies of All Time. With that said, I can't really say enough good about this. A soft spring sweater for baby. Read critic reviews. This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. If you're expecting a trashy SyFy original six-pack flick, this isn't the monster movie for you. | Rating: 3.5/5 |, September 7, 2011 Australians sure do seem to make some good horror movies. | Rating: 3/4 Just confirm how you got your ticket. Free Wrap & Shawl Patterns to Sew. Rotten Tomatoes (englisch für Verfaulte Tomaten) ist eine englischsprachige Website, die Informationen und Neuigkeiten anbietet und insbesondere Rezensionen von Filmen und Fernsehserien sammelt und veröffentlicht. Back in the days when Leary was a smokin' hot comedian but not much of a movie star and Spacey wasn't that much of a movie star either!. Why? A sailing trip becomes a disaster for a group of friends when the boat sinks and a white shark hunts the helpless passengers. There are some misses here, mostly in the climax, but this is still a smart and excellently acted black comedy. Create your account. More News. |, December 6, 2013 Small-time pot dealer David (Jason Sudeikis) learns the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished; trying to help some teens, he is jumped by thugs and loses his cash and stash. No yelling! Good for a few scares, but you won't wanna go swimming for a while afterwards. They have to make the decision to stay on the boat and wait for help while it sinks. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future. |, December 6, 2013 As family and friends are being dispatched none of the characters ever seem too upset and one scene where a brother/boyfriend is eaten is followed by a scene where the survivors laugh and shout joyously at the sight of land. The dialogue is absolutely top-notch and the performances, particularly Judy Davis and Glynis Johns, as Lloyd's domineering and insufferable mother, are excellent. It's a choice that his cast unfortunately just aren't strong enough to deal with. 3 1/2 Minutes, 10 Bullets (2015) 12 Angry Men (1957) The 400 Blows (1959) The … And over the course of the film, the children start realizing that they're parents only want what's best for them and the parents learn to not be so strict. The fact Leary acts as the marriage counselor for Spacey and Davis really cranks up the laughs when he verbally jousts against the mother and sister-in-law. Little does the robber know these two lovebirds are having a bit of a marital spat and are at each others throats. This just goes to show how seriously we Americans take our pop culture. April 13, 2021. Take a new perspective. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances, All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Golden Tomato Awards: Best Movies & TV of 2020. 113,335 talking about this. His only companionship comes from an array of exotic animals that he speaks to on a daily basis. Forgot your password? | Rotten (15). A decent and at times slicky done scenes taking advantage of what could happen in this situation. With Denis Leary, Judy Davis, Kevin Spacey, Robert J. Steinmiller Jr.. A cat burglar is forced to take a bickering, dysfunctional family hostage on Christmas Eve. Fortunately, the lengthy scenes in which the four frightened swimmers are menaced by a white pointer are chillingly well handled -- not since Jaws 35 years ago has the horror of this sort of situation been as well captured on film. The Reef is that rarest of treats: an "animal attack" thriller that is as dramatic as it is horrific. Married people without guns, for instance, you... Do not get to yell. Because I have a gun. Why? Log in here. The spirit of Christmas is either you're good, or you're punished and you burn in hell. With a shark. Its a completely character driven plot with no fancy set pieces or effects or crazy stunts, its all about the dialog. The footage is frankly pathetic, rendering it as threatening as a guppy. This is a funny idea, but the movie is too thinly written to build any real credibility, and the cast rarely seems in tune with the vapid vulgarities that dominate the dialogue. Lightning Entertainment, Please click the link below to receive your verification email. | Rating: 3/5 They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. |, December 6, 2013 All rights reserved. Then to add to that you have Leary going nuts trying to keep everything civil whilst trying not to break his cover and trying not get caught by the old bill. | Rating: 4/5 By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. Let's get one thing straight. | Top Critics (2) Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. 'The Reef' is an authentic nail-biter (toe-nibbler?) In "Jaws" the shark is the leading man, here it's a bit-part player. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. there are good moments throughout, and you are most definatly with the swimmers. | Rotten (4). I don't know about you but if I get eaten by a shark I'd like my friends and family to at least feel glum for a couple of days. And it's a shame because, in spite of its very generic and broad ending, this film is pretty great and a film that still holds up very well since it covers some things that are universal. Here the film-makers have neither the sense to adopt the former approach nor the talent to pull off the latter. By creating an account, you agree to t Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. |, August 10, 2011 When I first started, I remember going to the website and looking at the qualifications and I’m like, “Child, I’m never going to get this. They give up their dreams, they get tired and/or bored of each other, they become responsible and stop being the same person that they used to be due to the pressures of maintaining a family, house, and kids. Rotten Tomatoes staff presents 300 essential movies to watch now, whether you're a film buff or just starting your journey into cinema! Please reference “Error Code 2121” when contacting customer service. The Ref – Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes was founded in 1998 by students at the University of California, Berkeley who wanted reviews for kung fu movies in one place. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Quite simply the film plays on the common much used comedic factors of our own relations, something that every family in the world can probably relate to. The 200 Best Romantic Comedies of All Time. April 15, 2021. Traucki and co are just shooting blanks. Are you shhhhh . The name harkens back to … I wasn't impressed when I saw this film's poster on Netflix. Copyright © Fandango. I saw it on Netflix, so since everyone and their dog has Netflix these days, you should check it out. More Featured on RT > Top Headlines. Already have an account? Before long, they're driving him nuts, and the line between who is whose hostage begins to blur. | Top Critics (17) The Essentials: Paul Raci Reflects on A Career of Small Roles That Led to His Big Break. Directed by Ted Demme. Its Christmas and a robber is on the run, so he kidnaps a middle aged married couple, taking them back to their house. Beneath the 12 Mile Reef! The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Just confirm how you got your ticket. You may later unsubscribe. All the characters are very cliched no doubt, all the usual family stereotypes are drained of every last drop of predictable comedy completely. Create your account. Could have used more sharks, but I don't know if it would have been as effective as it was. The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia, Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train, Best Netflix Shows and Series To Binge (March 2021), The 100 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now (March 2021), 100 Best Movies on Amazon Prime To Watch (March 2021). must-dos after he proposes. It's really kind of surprising that, in all my ignorance, I had never heard of this movie until I found it on Netflix last night. Awards Leaderboard: Top Movies of 2020 – Rotten Tomatoes. Typically, it'll run through the new idea until it runs out of steam again, then invents yet another one. Directed by Ted Demme. | Rating: 2/4 Denis Leary plays an unfortunate cat burglar who becomes trapped in a fate worse than jail when he takes a bickering couple (Kevin Spacey, Judy Davis) and their annoying relatives hostage. The percentage is based on the film's reviews aggregated by the website and assessed as positive or negative, and when all aggregated reviews are positive, the film has a 100% rating. Rude, loud, funny and (apart from the home invasion by a gun-toting jewellery thief bit), pretty realistic about families and the festive season. More Related News . |, March 21, 2019 The site's consensus is: "Undeniably uneven and too dark for some, The Ref nonetheless boasts strong turns from Denis Leary, Judy Davis, and Kevin Spacey, as well as a sharply funny script." Coming Soon. The Ref is a powerfully funny adult comedy. RT’s Top Yuletide Comedies — Christmas Countdown, Day One, January 4, 2017 The Ref Year 1994 Genre Crime Comedy Drama Type Movies IDMB rating 6.9 (23473 votes) Netflix rating 3.7 Rotten Tomatoes rating 72.0% Directors Ted Demme Actors Robert J. Steinmiller Jr., Judy Davis, Denis Leary, Kevin Spacey the footsage is very good here, im guessing real sharks and at times some effects work. Here are 50 that have, and you can see Rotten Tomatoes’s full list here. If you are in the mood for something different at Christmas than The Ref might be a fun choice for you. Based on a novel by Edith Wharton. Rotten Tomatoes is our bar for the evening, and we'll be listing some of the highest rated movies of 2020. | Rating: 2.5/4 I'd like to think I'm somewhat knowledgeable about films, but this film's existence was unknown to me. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. |. Adjusted Score: 75.118% . Lame ass Australian horror flick staring no on you ever heard of, about 4 idiots who wind up stranded in the water after a boating accident. In this classic drama, Vicky Page (Moira Shearer) is an aspiring ballerina torn between her dedication to dance and her desire to love. It's about a group of 5 people who capsize while sailing in the Ocean. The three images that alternate in the following GIF show the relationship between Rotten Tomatoes score and overall box office profit margin for movies released pre–Rotten Tomatoes (1990 … | Rating: 2.5/4 Coming Soon, Regal All Seth Rogen Movies Ranked – The 200 Best Romantic Comedies of All Time – 30 Most Popular Movies … Cinemark |, July 16, 2011 Sign up here. All rights reserved. Spacey's character is soft spoken but with a sharp tongue whilst Davis' character beautifully grows from calm and collected to spiteful rude and loud with her verbal assaults as she slowly gets more drunk. Who’s Going to Win Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor at the 2021 Oscars? On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a "Certified Fresh" approval rating of 72% based on reviews from 54 critics, with an average rating of 6.45/10. The film is basically the examination, through comedic means, of a marriage that is falling apart right in front of your very eyes and the film, even with all of the clever lines and laughs, features a lot of insight and truths on the sacrifices people make when they've been married. If you have Netflix and you're into dark comedies, while this isn't as dark as others, then this is a good choice. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. When we see it on screen it just looks too small, they should have hired a midget swimmer because we never get to see it in the same shot as the cast. What these movies have in common is that whether the villain is a physical creature or a malevolent force, it's a definable character. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. Two people realize their feelings for each other after years spent apart. Don’t worry, it won’t take long. Cinemark Good runtime for a movie like this. By signing up, you agree to receiving newsletters from Rotten Tomatoes. The name harkens back to … After surviving an assault from a squad of hit men, retired CIA agent Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) reassembles his old team for an all-out war. | Rating: 1/5 It just looks like one of those films, that came out in the mid-90s, where the kids hold their parents hostage and they do crazy shit because they're too strict or some such bullshit. Don't have an account? |. and the Terms and Policies, … It's a real movie, with drama and grace and intelligence (and slapstick and drunk Santa gags and crude laughs). Topic Replies Author Views Last Message; No topics in this forum. ... squirm-worthy survival adventure ... Go ahead, take the plunge. Though a national hero to the Germans for his efforts in World War I, Baron Manfred von Richthofen (Matthias Schweighöfer) grappled with his disgust for the war and his responsibility to his men. When the only thing at stake is the size of the body count, suspense becomes the first casualty. . Make Magic Mud From A Potato. | Rating: C+ |, March 14, 2011 Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. |, March 28, 2011 It's a film that's probably as good today as it was when it was first released. Mortal Kombat Cast Reveals the Ancient Martial Arts You’ll See In the New Movie. *** When you make a monster movie there are two ways to deal with it. Pi (Freddie Prinze Jr.) lives in a part of the ocean that is controlled by big and powerful sharks who prey on the fearful. Unfortunately, the comedy is uneven; as the film doesn't quite know how dark or silly to take the humor. and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. |, December 29, 2013 You're almost there! Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train, Best Netflix Shows and Series To Binge (March 2021), The 100 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now (March 2021), 100 Best Movies on Amazon Prime To Watch (March 2021). Denis Leary leads the cast, and is joined by Judy Davis and Kevin Spacey. Click to see Rotten Tomatoes’ detailed run-down of what’s in store for the series. Some people claim that Rotten Tomatoes has a problem with all things DC which sparked the petition for the closing of Rotten Tomatoes. | Rating: C- The main attacks fly in the direction of Spacey's mother played in a very stuffy way by the stout Glynis Johns. It's not a bad idea, but it's not a good movie, either. A movie like "Wolf Creek" has a slow build, then had a few moments that were like "HOLY S***!" The other son not liking his brothers wife (his sister-in-law) because she has his brother whipped. Giant Crops are objects obtained by harvesting Giant Farm Plants. It's exactly what you would think it is. Rotten Tomatoes logo On the film review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes , a set of films have a 100% rating. Historic Cinerama Dome Theater in Los Angeles to Shut Down, and More Movie News. But it works brilliantly, watching the grown ups verbally abuse each other whilst trying to hold it together for the kids and for Christmas is hilarious. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy More Featured on RT > Top Headlines. Simple little equation! This is a lot like that in that sense, well and the Australian accents. Sign up here. Cinemark and the Terms and Policies, Apparently this is based on a true story and Andrew Traucki takes a po-faced approach to the material. When you're treading the same ground, or water, as a movie as good as "Jaws", you better come out all guns blazing. So the humans aren't much cop here and neither is the shark. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets Chances It Will Be a Certified Fresh Hit: Every Lord of the Rings film title in the franchise is Fresh, except the last (which just barely misses it), and the appetite for adaptations of Tolkien’s stories is there. Gemüse auf die Bühne wirft for you exploring the air pocket in the Ocean knowledgeable films. At Christmas than the Ref is a victim of something to me take our pop.... Wait to see your review if you only submit your rating authentic nail-biter (?... Taking advantage of what ’ s Going to Win Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor at the 2021?... '' followed by a 10-digit number know for the future mother played in a wery, wery quiet wight. 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