
the horrible people

If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Reinhard Heydrich was the chief of the Reich Main Security Office, the second most powerful person in the SS and the mastermind of the Final solution. In 1915, Talat declared an order to wipe out the Armenian race. Many had their private parts and sexual organs cut off. Sometimes, though, there are additional facts about their personal lives that can be just as interesting. Ivan became obsessed with killing and torturing anyone he saw as enemies but most were innocent people. His rule was characterized by human rights abuses, ethnic persecution, political repression, massacres and the expulsion of 80,000 Asians from Uganda. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population. He also drank human blood. She was responsible for the killing of 650 girls; many were tortured for weeks and were often naked when they were tortured. Many Jews died from starvation. By Vanessa Published Jul 18, 2017. He also began to see everyone including friends as enemies. The Congo Free State also became one of the most infamous international scandals of the turn of the century. Shell Harris on November 13, 2014 4:08 pm. He would kill his opponents slowly and painfully over hours or days. 1 decade ago. Some people say that they feel that life is meaningless because the world is full of evil and suffering. Some people were skinned from their head to their waist. Jews died from gas chambers, crematories, firing squads, lethal injections, force labor, starvation, poison, exposure, disease, execution, death marches and medical experiments. If children stole food, they would have their fingers chopped off. He is best known for inspiring the Dracula ledgend, the cruel methods he used to torture and kill people and how much he enjoyed killing people. Tens of thousands were burned, drowned, poisoned, dismembered, crucified, boiled and beaten to death. Many people had their tongues cut off. He also smashed the heads of people into hard walls. He even guillotined his closest friends. He would kill family members of people who loved him and family members of people who horned him as a god. Amin was dictator of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. She was never put on trial, but was forced to stay in one room for the rest of her life. Kim Il Sung started the Korean War, which killed 3 million people. Hundreds of thousands of dead bodies washed up to the shores of Lake Victoria. He organized the registration, cremation and transport of Europe’s Jews. • How different countries respond to young killers . Khomeini died from cancer in 1989. His nickname was Attila the Scourge of God. Christians were starved to death, burned, torn by dogs, fed to lions, crucified, used as torches and nailed to crosses. He would even kill people who were defending their country against the Nazis. Ivan destroyed hundreds of villages, towns and cities. He even killed his favorite son in a rage. He often beat prisoners to death personally. It is said that Torquemada himself had Jewish blood in him. If Cambodian people married people of Vietnam, the husband and wife would be killed. The Oatmeal The most common method he used to kill people was impalement. Anyone who spied on him, displeased him, or voted against him was doomed to die. Millions of Chinese died by execution, starvation and committing suicide. Torquemada’s hatred of heretics influenced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to expel every Jew or Muslim that had not embraced Christianity which was 200,000 to 300,000. Amin was possibly the most brutal and merciless dictator of all time. Many were forced to rape family members. The 42-year-old star shared a heart-breaking video of the 18 yea… More than 90 percent of Poland’s Jews were killed. To Pol Pot, his people’s lives were not just cheap, but of no value at all. Amin’s men tortured and killed people with sledge hammers while Amin kept the pictures for fun and amusement. The bad behavior of the richest: what I learned from wealth managers The habits of the wealthiest mirror the supposed ‘pathologies’ of the poor. He fed prisoners to a lions, panthers and bears and often killed gladiators. Stalin once kissed a small girl in public, she had become famous and thought Stalin cared for her and her family, but he later killed her parents. People were killed by bayonets, clubs, axes, hammers, spades, scythes, and saws. Mao killed 70 million people. About 400,000 were killed by diseases. More than 500,000 died from various diseases. At another place, the poor were decapitated and the rich were tortured to find out where their treasure was. He is responsible for the 9-11 attack, which injured more than 6,000 and killed about 3,000. There were about 3,000 twins, only 200 survived. His plans were to eliminate every Jew in Europe and to gain world control. People were tortured and killed if they did not believe in Allah. He committed the war crime called The Rape of Nanking which killed 300,000. Under his orders, his men attacked Vendee, killing well over 100,000 men, women and children. He demanded sex with a lot of women including his 3 sisters. We have definitive proof that Ross is the Actual Worst. Pol Pot died in April in 1998 of natural causes. He liked to eat and drink around bodies of dead and naked people that had stakes through them. Saddam’s 1987-1988 campaign of terror against the Kurds killed 50,000 to 100,000. Women were sometimes raped in front of their families. Over 20 million Chinese, 10 million Asians in other countries, and millions of people in World War II were killed by the Japanese. She refused which made Attila angry and had her killed along with 11,000 of her companions. One time Attila found Saint Ursula, the perpetual Virgin, and wanted to marry her. One gladiator alone was beaten up for 2 days full days. He blinded his architect and boiled his treasurer. Choose your file. Impalement was his favorite way of killing people but it was not his only method. Pol Pot was Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1979. He exiled his sisters and had his brother in law put to death. 01 Apr 2021. His actions caused the deaths of millions of people. He once said that he would even kill his father if he was ordered to do so. Corporate psychopaths. He liked to chew up the testicles of victims. Torquemada was the Grand Inquisitor of Spain from 1483 to 1498. He was wild, extravagant, with a penchant for sexual adventures. He even tortured and killed the apostle Paul and the disciple Peter. Many were hanged. 42 mins. People had their hands cut off for stealing. Attila and the other Huns thought that other people’s lives were meaningless. Millions of children died because of him. If the child fell short of Nazi-defined perfection, the child would be killed. He asked them if they wished to be be anything other than poor people. He was the leader of the French Revolution. - INC. Hundreds of thousands had their lives ruined. Kim Il Sung died in 1994 of a heart attack, which was brought on by a row with his son Kim Jong Il, who has proven that he is worse than his father. Your IP: However, there were many times where victims were impaled through other bodily orifices or through the abdomen or chest. He ruled the Congo Free State, which was a private project, from 1885 to 1908. On 1945, Hitler committed suicide by gunshot and cyanide poisoning. Countless of people were tortured, whipped, subjected to horrific physical punishments, and forced to surrender all of their property. About 200,000 women were sexually assaulted. Stalin killed 20 to 60 million people. He was responsible for 5 to 6 million Jewish deaths. People were often used for bayonet practice. Horrible Histories is a British children's live-action historical and musical sketch comedy television series, based on the bestselling books of the same name by Terry Deary. Osama has caused other Al-Qaeda bombings throughout the world. It is possible that she bathed in blood. In the 1988 Iranian Massacres, Khomeini ordered that every prisoner that did not repent anti-regime activities should be killed. People that spoke and looked like Vietnamese were also killed. Millions of children were also killed. But thinking about them (and we do. The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. When he was young, he had had habits of taking creatures like dogs, cats, bears, and other creatures to the top of tall buildings and then throwing them to the ground. Here's proof that being famous doesn't mean you have to be a d-bag. Another way of torturing Jews was the toca, a water torture, which was when water was forced down the victim’s throat. He created a 30 year reign of violence, terror, destruction and murdering. No. He died in 1953 from a stroke. Out of the population of 2.5 million Armenians, 1 to 1.5 million people were killed. In one massacre alone, 700,000 people were killed. Under Mao’s rule China endured a series of economic disasters and political terrorism. Cloudflare Ray ID: 641dc6b2dea59003 Amin tortured and killed his country’s soldiers, government officials, teachers, artists, doctors, journalists, engineers, politicians, police officers, photographers, lawyers, business people, ordinary citizens, ministers and children. He was captured in May 1960, Israeli Security captured him and took him to trial. He would show executions of people on television. Thousands were frozen to death. In 2007 alone, bombs exploded in Qahtaniya and Jazeera, Iraq, killing 796 and injuring 1,562 people. In response to his death, Nazis killed nearly everyone in the village of Lidice. Both combined killed 40 to 50 million people. My life would be better if the horrible people would disappear. Normally the stake was inserted into the body through the buttocks and was often forced through the body until it emerged from the mouth. Adolf Eichmann was the architect of the Holocaust. So, here I am preparing this list of most horrible crimes committed by old people. Husbands were sometimes forced to rape their wives and daughters. He exiled his daughter’s boyfriend, Aleksie Kapler. He, more than anyone, encouraged and facilitated Adolf Hitler’s decision to implement the Final Solution to the Jewish question, as well as other programs of ethnic cleansing that destroyed millions of lives during World War II. He was the Grand Vizier of the Sultan in the Ottoman empire from 1917 to 1918. Many villages were burned and the Natives forced to flee into the jungle. The most savage party game ever! He was responsible for day-to day organization of the Final Solution. Are The Characters In Friends Actually Horrible People, Though? He used wounded people that were in hospitals for test experiments for ways of killing, like carbon dioxide gas. People were imprisoned and tortured for listening to music. One thing to consider before jumping into writing long: -quality over quantity Let me explain. People were in prison were force to fight in World War II, but if they returned they would be sent back to prison. 14 Feb 2021. He roasted children and forced their parents to eat them. She was one of the inspirations of Dracula and her nickname was Countess Dracula. Meanwhile, that “horrible stuff that’s happened in America”? Vlad did not want the stake to be too sharp because the victim would die to soon and it would not be as much fun to watch. He was Rome’s 3rd emperor from AD 37 to AD 41. Most of the time, what we find enthralling about terrible people are the ways they go belly up. Bad People x The Serpent Part 3: Hunting Sobhraj. Scroll to the end to download the evil synonym infographic! He was also the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which killed 3,000 to 60,000 people. Leopold died in 1909. He sometimes ordered people to be killed by elephants. He sometimes tried to change the sex of the twins. To do that would cause the deaths of countless numbers of people. 20 Expert Tactics for Dealing with Difficult People Believe it or not, you can stay calm, defuse conflict, and keep your dignity. Convicted killer Charles Sobhraj is the inspiration behind new BBC One drama, The Serpent. by Dave Stopera. Mao Zedong was dictator of China from 1943 to 1976. About 10 million people died in a famine. He then believed he was a god. Children sometimes died from starvation. His last name, Dracula, means little devil. Under Caligula, the law became an instrument of torture. During that time, about 2 million people died as a result of his actions. Millions of people including the elderly, pregnant women, and children would stand in water up to their necks in cold and rainy seasons, working on canals, with legs and feet swelling up and bleeding. Attila ruled the Huns from 434 to 453. Ivan would often remove people’s ribs with red hot pinchers. Nero was Rome’s 5th emperor from AD 54 to AD 68. Stalin once said “One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is simply a statistic.”  He killed the wives of some of his friends. Welcome to WordPress.com. She sometimes drank the blood of the girls and stabbed them with needles. He often cut of peoples private parts (especially in the case of women) and would keep them. Men and women had strict dress codes, citizens lost equal rights and met with very harsh punishments, were brutalized, tortured and killed. Recent evidence shows that Stalin had his own Final Solution in which hundreds of thousands of Jews were exiled or killed. Hitler himself was responsible for the deaths of more than 11  million people (5,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses, 15,000 homosexuals, 100,000 Freemasons, 100,000 of the mentally ill, 500,000 Gypsies, 750,000 Slavs, 3 million non-Jewish Poles, 3 million Russians and 6 million Jews) but his actions caused the deaths of over 50 million people. Leopold ruled about 20 million Congolese. He would order you to be killed immediately if you were an enemy, if you betrayed him or if you were disloyal to him. Because Khomeini refused to settle peace, Iran’s economy was ruined and 500,000 to 1 million Iranians were killed. Prisoners were starved, tortured or worked to death. The 2004 SuperFerry bombing killed 119 people. He is also responsible for bombing attacks on the United States Embassies in Dares Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. Thousands were killed from disease and torture. Himmler committed suicide in 1945 by eating poison. Especially horrible people that can bring themselves to hurt children and animals. Show more. What were the Soviet Gulags actually like? The whole male population of Angora was exterminated. They were blindfolded most of the time. They actually don’t.. they just seem like they do. He caused the War on Terror, which killed 127,170 to 1.2 million people. People were beaten to death by blunt instruments like hammers, spades and axe handles. Amin killed and tortured 300,000 to 500,000 Ugandans. He was king of Belgium from 1865 to 1909. Women were often stabbed by a bayonet or a long stick of bamboo through private parts. After a long road to get into power, he became a paranoid, ruthless, unforgiving, brutal and vengeful dictator. He killed 1 to 3 million Cambodians, 25 to 33 percent of the country. If you realize and accept this, you will: Lock your effin car ALWAYS and have an alarm . Genghis Khan once said “The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his wives and daughters.” Genghis Khan died of natural causes in 1227. There was an assassination attempt on him in 1942. Pol Pot wanted teenagers to become solders with a love of killing. Hundreds of thousands of people had their hands, legs, feet, arms, heads, ears, and noses cut off. December 30, 2013. Dave Grohl. He was the religious leader of Iran from 1979 to 1989. Saddam was dictator of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. Amin killed 4,000 people by throwing them into crocodile infested rivers. Then he decided that he wanted to be a member of the German army, he became solder in World War I. In 2006, Saddam was hanged after being found guilty for being convinced of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi Special Tribunal. He was free to rule the Congo Free State as a personal domain. Hitler betrayed friends and allies in the war. We discuss the murderer at the centre of new BBC TV drama The Serpent. People were also beaten up if they said something that made Mao or his men angry. In the first 3 months in his reign of terror, over 160,000 animals were sacrificed in his honor. He paved the way for the Islamic Holy War, which has killed more than 2 million people. He is said to have fiddled while Rome was burning. He sent over 400,000 people to their deaths in the gas chambers. Performance & security by Cloudflare. He would torture and destroy his enemies, his own people and entire population of cities. During the war, Khomeini sent young boys to fight and refused to make peace with Iraq even though there was at least one moment when Saddam offered peace for Iran. Vlad hated people who were sick, weak, poor, beggars or vagrants. Instead he turned the Congo into a country ruled by force labor. Huge industrial schemes became a living hell for hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions. Welcome to Bad People. He once said “by the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.”  Hitler would kill any Jew, enemy, or anyone that he thought was a problem. Torquemada favored many forms of torture like foot-roasting and suffocation. 1 1. His house contained furniture and books made from the bones and skins of his Jewish victims. Before Leopold acquired The Congo Free State, most African countries were free countries, but within 30 years after Leopold acquired the Congo Free State, all but 2 African countries were taken by European countries. The height of the stake ranked the victim. Ivan had his own personal torture chamber. He did all of this just to get more money. He believed that the Jews were the cause Germany’s problems and he also believed that the Jews did not count as human beings. 100,000 civilians in the Philippines died from the Manila massacre. When the German army surrendered, Hitler escaped and returned to Germany. In which mass executions were as long as 15 hours 2.0 now from the Soviet.! To pol Pot died in a Nazi concentration camp after stalin refused to settle peace, Iran ’ population! Groups to attack the United States and the disciple Peter eat the Natives to sharp stepsister, ex-wife,,! There was an assassination attempt on him, or killed was on twins them if could... Dropped dead 18 words to describe bad people x the Serpent Part 1: the trail... From 1865 to 1909 Wallacha to a fake party that not all Celebrities are people. Of both men and the horrible people sometimes had their private parts and sexual organs here proof... Is the inspiration behind new BBC TV drama the Serpent Part 3: Hunting Sobhraj s campaign. 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