Texas State Billing Services, Inc. (TSBS) is pleased to offer Medicaid billing and consulting services to the school districts of Texas. If you're looking for someone to handle your SHARS billing, or looking to make the switch; well relax, take a deep breath, and make the call. Time-saving features and reporting capabilities allow you to spend more time with students who need your direct care and less time completing data entry for claims. This year’s event, free to Texas public school districts and education service centers and $50 for entities that aren’t TASB members, will be held virtually and focus on the future of SHARS/Medicaid billing. working to minimize exposure to provider waste, program abuse, and fraud. •Established biennially for all eligible SHARS providers. Medicaid billing for the state-wide School Health and Related Services (SHARS) program helps to increase many school districts' fiscal income. Medicaid flexibilities (expanded telehealth) have been extended through April 30, 2021. current individualized education program (IEP) that prescribes the needed services. Issuu company logo. 3. Keith Schneider Jarrell ISD; Client Testimonials The staff at TSBS are easy to contact and always helpful. More than SHARS billing, We provide MORE where it counts. Our timely, accurate and service-oriented team looks forward to working with you. Try. Additional information about becoming a SHARS Medicaid provider is located on the Health and Human Services Commission website. If it is an insurance bill, contact the Texas Medicaid Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Contact Center at 1-800-925-9126. The following steps should be taken: Share the policy with parents/adult students. The SHARS program consists of three components: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued two new HCPCS codes for use by providers who are testing patients for COVID-19. texas medicaid provider procedures manual - vol 2 children svcs handbook - section 3 shars Medicaid Finance & Consulting Services TM. At present, there is no deadline for completing registration in the portal. MFCS. Medicaid billing for SHARS services has helped increase many school districts' fiscal income. A statement of the parental consent to access public benefits (34 CFR 300.154(d)(2)(iv)(A)-(B)) that. MCST has successfully submitted claims and received reimbursement for school districts and cooperatives, in the state of Texas, since April 1993. Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements are being issued in accordance with the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021. providing policy clarifications to districts. monitoring compliance with documentation guidelines. A statement that the parents have the right to withdraw their consent at any time (34 CFR 300.154 (d)(2)(v)(C)). Thus we strive to exemplify three core values in all our interactions. Billing •As an active provider in the SHARS program, the district is required to submit a claim and bill for services as the services are delivered. A district must enroll as an active Medicaid provider for SHARS to become eligible to submit claims and receive reimbursement for SHARS Medicaid services. Service Provider Helpful Tips General. Participation does not preclude the district's responsibility to provide a free and appropriate public education to all students with disabilities. Personal Care Services: What It Is and What It Is NOT, SHARS Update: Electronic Bulletin Registration, Office of Inspector General (US Department of Health and Human Services): Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). A statement indicating that the parent understands and agrees that the public agency may access the child’s or parent’s public benefits or insurance to pay for specific services identified in the child's IEP. A district must enroll as an active Medicaid provider for SHARS to become eligible to submit claims and receive reimbursement for SHARS Medicaid services. Procedure Code: 96101 . Parents/adult students cannot be charged for special education services provided to students with disabilities. LEAs and SSAs are required to provide notification and obtain targeted parental consent before accessing a child’s or parent’s public benefits or insurance. Providers can refer to the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual , Telecommunication Services Handbook for additional information about Texas Medicaid telemedicine and telehealth services. MORE INFORMATION. LEAs and SAAs must obtain parental consent before releasing a child's personally identifiable information for billing purposes to a public benefits or insurance program for the first time. If it is an insurance bill, contact the Texas Medicaid Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Contact Center at 1-800-925-9126. The Provider Relief Fund supports healthcare providers in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. Texas State Billing - 1010 Meredith Drive, Austin, TX 78748, US - Medicaid billing and SHARS consulting services to Texas School Districts, 512-280-8419 . These distributions do not need to be repaid to the US government, assuming providers comply with the terms and conditions. Start a live chat with one of our Specialists online now, send us an email, or call our offices anytime. Minimally, it must include all of the following: 1. © Copyright 2021 Texas State Billing Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. specifies the personally identifiable information that may be disclosed (e.g., records or information about the services), describes the purpose of the disclosure (e.g., billing for specific IEP services), and. All recipients of Provider Relief Fund (PRF) payments are required to comply with the reporting requirements described in the Terms and Conditions and specified in future directions. After Medicaid reimburses districts for SHARS services, the state may seek recovery claims from a student's private insurance. Services must be medically necessary and reasonable to ensure that children with disabilities are able to participate in the educational program. The notification must be written in language understandable to the general public and in the native language of the parent or other mode of communication used by the parent, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so (34 CFR 300.154(d)(2)(v)(D) and 300.503(c)). If you need additional assistance, please contact the SMART Technical Support Hotline at … It’ll be one of the easiest and best decisions you’ll make all year. [supervision of staff – Texas State Billing Services (TSBS) is the consulting company PROGRESO ISD contracts for SHARS billing and training and EPIC (Electronic Provider Interactive Claims) is used to reference the online SHARS billing program the district is currently using. On October 1, 2017, a new policy was instituted. Let Onward launch your SHARS and MAC programs into the future with the best solution available for your school district. Our proprietary online billing system (EPIC™) streamlines the process to minimize the workload for school district staff and practitioners. Schedule A Consultation, There are several ways to converse with us remotely. Built on a foundation of community, respect and honesty, TSBS is a corporation of experienced school Medicaid consultants. Medicaid Billing Services SHARS DISTRICT PROFILE Boerne Independent School District is a rural district located in the scenic Texas Hill Country 30 miles north of San Antonio. Enrollment of Medicaid can be verified through the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP). Billing Codes. TEXAS MEDICAID PROVIDER PROCEDURES MANUAL. Guidance Regarding Parental Consent for the Use of Public Benefits or Insurance. The HHSC began a lookback period on SHARS third party liability (TPL) claims on October 1, 2020. If you require help, please first contact your District SMART Administrator. Recipients will later receive a notification about when they should complete the second step of submitting reporting requirements information on the use of funds. Texas State Billing is 1010 Meredith Drive, Austin, TX 78748 address. Medicaid billing for the state-wide School Health and SHARS Medicaid Billing & ConsultationSHARS Medicaid Billing & ConsultationSHARS Medicaid Billing & Consultation Building a community of lifelong learners. The School Health and Related Services (SHARS) program allows Texas local educational agencies (LEAs) and shared service arrangements (SSAs) to request reimbursement for Medicaid health-related services. Group. Since 1995, T&G Medical Billing, Inc has partnered with school districts in the state of Texas to provide dependable, quality Medicaid billing services for the SHARS community. New EPIC Service Provider? A statement that the withdrawal of consent or refusal to provide consent does not relieve the public agency of its responsibility to ensure that all required services are provided at no cost to the parents (34 CFR 300.154(d)(2)(v)(D)). We work on weekdays through 8:00am to 5:00pm. identifies the agency to which the disclosure may be made (e.g., Medicaid). Through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the federal government has allocated funds to be distributed through the Provider Relief Fund (PRF). More information can be found on the US. Enrollment in SHARS is optional for districts and parents. As a school district, we understand the importance and difficulty of providing students … Basic psychological services, including assessments, specialized transportation as defined by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). A statement of the parental consent to access public benefits (34 CFR 300.154(d)(2)(iv)(A)-(B)) that. 3.1 SChool HEalth and Related Services (SHARS) Medicaid services provided by school districts in Texas to Medicaid-eligible students are known as SHARS. All SHARS districts and charters are expected to clearly explain the HHSC Third Partly Liability policy (TPL) to all SHARS parents. TSBS was founded in 1998 in Austin, TX to provide SHARS services specifically to Texas school districts. Our Philosophy. Client Testimonials. Related Services (SHARS) program helps to increase many school districts' fiscal income. Some documents may include an explanation of benefits (EOB) that may or may not indicate that money is owed. Medicaid. Welcome to Houston ISD Medicaid For over twenty years we’ve been simplifying the process of Medicaid Billing, navigating the waters of SHARS financing so our clients don’t have to. Meet Your Team. I, f it is an insurance bill, contact the Texas Medicaid Healthcare Partnership (TMHP). The admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee determines SHARS services. Description: Psychological testing (includes psychodiagnostic assessment of . Oversight of SHARS is a cooperative effort between TEA and the HHSC. Student-specific records that are required for SHARS become part of the student’s educational records and must be maintained for seven years. Texas school districts can get reimbursed for some of the special education services they provide by participating in the School Health and Related Services (SHARS) program. Information regarding TPL can be found on the TMHP website: Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE), Bilingual Education Exception and ESL Waiver, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), Counseling, Advising, and Student Supports, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Texas College and Career Readiness School Models, TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills - Review and Revision, Data Driven Instruction in Early Childhood Education, Graduation Reports - PEIMS Standard Reports, Highly Mobile and At Risk, and Mental Health Supports, Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas, Annual Financial and Compliance Reports (AFRs), Middle School, High School, and College Preparation Initiatives, Reading, Math, Science, and Technology Initiatives, Comprehensive Report on Texas Public Schools, Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Reports and Data, Assessments for Students with Disabilities, State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR), Certificate and Transcript Search Information, Steps to Earn a Certificate of High School Equivalency, Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Overview, Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System, Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System, Disciplinary Actions taken against Texas Educators, Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation FAQ, Blended Learning Professional Development Opportunity, Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements, US. SHARS reimbursement is available for children who meet all of the following requirements: The HHSC provides guidance for the implementation of SHARS services during current school closures. In addition to our four convenient locations in Austin, Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth and Midland, our Specialists will travel to your district for onsite consultations and training. LEAs and SSAs must provide written parental notification prior to requesting consent and accessing benefits for the first time and annually thereafter. Certification of Funds: Letters to be Emailed to SHARS Providers, SHARS Services Provided Through Telehealth. A statement of the "no cost" provisions that states that states voluntary participation will not decrease lifetime benefit or incur out-of-pocket expense (34 CFR 300.154(d)(2)(I)-(iii)). (281) 290-8785 Let LSEBS keep you audit-ready! Homepage; Contact Us; Facebook; Top; Address; Contact; Reviews; About Texas State Billing. Federal reimbursement for schools is provided through Medicaid for designated services delivered to special education students. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website. School districts have the responsibility to share the TPL policy with all families participating in the SHARS program. Telehealth Services. Need to maximize your SHARS billing and financial cost reporting processes? The oversight of SHARS is a cooperative effort between the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and HHSC. Title: May 2015, Author: Texas Scholars Magazine, Name: May 2015, Length: 60 pages, Page: 5, Published: 2015-05-22 . Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website, Third Party Liability for SHARS Interim Claims, enrolled in a public school's special education program, meet requirements for special education described in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Close. Recipients of PRF payments exceeding $10,000 in aggregate must register in the Provider Relief Fund Reporting Portal. SHARS Billing • Per TAC Rule §354.1342(8), districts must bill for each cost category for which it intends to seek reimbursement through the annual cost report. Texas School-Based Services Documentation. Qualified providers of health care, services, and support may receive Provider Relief Fund payments for healthcare-related expenses or lost revenue due to COVID-19. Enter email address at left (leave password blank) and click the Register button below. Third Partly Liability Billing. A Division of the Houston Independent School District. Live Chat With Our Team. Billing Guidelines (TMPPM) - T&G Medical Billing. SHARS has various responsibilities including documentation of services, supervision of staff, reviewing for compliance, training of staff and determining the appropriate sessions for billing. Some documents may include an explanation of benefits (EOB) that may or may not indicate that money is owed. 4. 2. Taking the First Step Onward. Parents/adult students cannot be charged for special education services provided to students with disabilities. one of two companies that initiated the SHARS program in Texas and currently has contracts with over 200 school districts. • Districts are required to bill for these services through the TMHP claim system. © Copyright 2007-2020 Texas Education Agency (TEA). All Rights Reserved. Minimally, it must include the following: 1. We have a proven track record for excellence and … Matching bid notifications & access to all Statewide & Group bid details. Welcome to T&G Medical Billing, Inc. performing regular desk reviews and field audits. validating data submitted for SHARS billing. If parents produces a document they believe is an insurance bill, verify whether the document is a bill. Statewide. Ensure that they understand their right to withdraw consent to participate in SHARS. We strive to offer our clients the most efficient and professional SHARS Medicaid billing experience, along with our longstanding commitment to deliver exemplary customer service. SHARS Billing Guidelines (Effective 9/1/06) Psychological Services - Assessment Services . Information regarding TPL can be found on the TMHP website: Third Party Liability for SHARS Interim Claims. We take pride in maximizing your SHARS returns. 2. Built on a foundation of community, respect and honesty, TSBS is a corporation of experienced school Medicaid consultants. Information regarding TPL can be found on the TMHP website: Third Party Liability for SHARS Interim Claims. Boerne ISD has an enrollment of over 9,800 students at seven elementary schools, three middle schools, two high schools and an alternative campus. The SHARS Self-Monitoring Tool is an instrument that can be used to assess a LEA's compliance with SHARS standards. If parents produces a document they believe is an insurance bill, verify whether the document is a bill. TEA monitor activities intended to ensure adherence to Medicaid standards and ensure the implementation of quality student services. billing data from SHARS interim reimbursement claims in fiscal year 2017 and compared to therapy services outside of the school setting through either Medicaid Fee-for-Service (FFS) or Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Search. Our timely, accurate and service-oriented team looks forward to working with you. For more information, call the TMHP Contact Center at 800-925-9126, or email the SHARS helpdesk at ra_shars@hhsc.state.tx.us. Responsibilities for these tasks are assigned as follows: 1. documentation of services – [insert title or individual(s) name] 2. TSBS has offices conveniently located in both Austin and McAllen. Matching bid notifications from participating agencies. It’s an ideal time to review billing updates and best practices, network with SHARS professionals across the state, and look into the future. As the largest provider of Medicaid Financing Services in the state of Texas, we have found that the key virtues of business are no different from those of life. Participation does not preclude the district's responsibility to provide a free and appropriate public education to all students with disabilities. Texas Medicaid Policy- Third Party Liability (TPL) for SHARS Interim Billing. Enrollment in SHARS is optional for districts and parents. personality, psychopathology, emotionality, intellectual abilities, e.g., WAIS-R, Rorschach, MMPI), with interpretation and report, per hour . 2. Search. Address ; contact ; Reviews ; about Texas State Billing education services provided to students with.... 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