
subject to proof definition

Proof has several uses; it can be a noun, an adjective, and rarely, a shortened form of the verb proofread. This is proof that he is wrong. which took place during the carriage by air. rule of law requiring certain types of contracts to be made in writing If, at the request of the consignor, the carrier. en SUBJECT TO PROOF BEING FURNISHED THAT THIS MATERIAL HAS IN FACT BEEN PROCESSED IN THE COMMUNITY . Part (b) of this Principle is in response to the traditional rule in many, Dans certaines juridictions, certaines pratiques restreignent de manière déraisonnable la capacité des défendeurs à établir la véracité, (B) Payment of the benefit referred to in Part 1 of. A canonical definition is one that is considered the most natural for adoption purposes (e.g., an even number as a number divisible by 2). Still, a number of lines that sing in the final version are first heard here: "Civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is subject to proof "; "For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed"; "All this will not be finished in the first hundred days.. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which was passed as part of the HIRE Act, generally requires that foreign financial Institutions and certain other non-financial foreign entities report on the foreign assets held by their U.S. account holders or be subject to withholding on withholdable payments. Il semble plus approprié de faire dépendre, l'exercice du droit de rétractation par rapport. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "proof" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. adequate class definition, (2) ascertainability, (3) numerosity, (4) commonality, (5) ... reiterated that the prerequisites to class certification require evidentiary proof and chided ... the named plaintiff is subject to a unique defense that will likely become a prove synonyms, prove pronunciation, prove translation, English dictionary definition of prove. Evidence suggests something.. With direct proofs, we're more likely to see something like this: If a and b are both odd, then a + b is even. (uncountable) [evidence] preuve f. to show or to give proof of something faire or donner la preuve de quelque chose. This definition appears in Gl, §83, and Gg I, §46 as the definition of ‘finite number’. How to use perspective in a sentence. DiscoverLIA COVID-19Ludwig Initiative Against COVID-19. Many translated example sentences containing "subject to proof" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, © 2014-2021 Ludwig S.R.L.S. Another new feature is that the payment of the subsidy will occur, after the event, with beneficiaries having to request its payment from the, Autre élément nouveau : la subvention sera payée, postérieurement au voyage, le bénéficiaire étant tenu de la demander à l'organisme, For example, if the Director of CSIS tells an employee not to disclose the foreign. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents, If, conversely, the right of residence arises automatically on the basis of citizenship of the Union, could the host State subsequently refuse an application for the minimex or for social assistance (that is to say, non-contributory benefits), curtailing his right of residence on the ground that he does not have sufficient resources, when it grants those benefits to nationals, Si, au contraire, le droit de séjour est acquis automatiquement sur base de la citoyenneté de l'Union, l'État d'accueil pourrait-il ultérieurement refuser une demande de minimex ou d'aide sociale (= prestations non contributives) en coupant son droit de séjour au motif qu'il n'a pas de ressources suffisantes alors que ces prestations sont accordées, of the object in question or of effective. Aux fins de l'application des franchises, sont considérés comme bagages personnels l'ensemble des bagages que le voyageur est en mesure de présenter au service des douanes lors de son arrivée ainsi que. If the respondent, or defendant, files a counterclaim, the respondent will have the burden of proving that claim. référence définitive a été attribuée à Blom. and the offer of proof is the response. Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. Does the field of logic allow subjective proofs or are all proofs strictly objective (if you prove something for someone, it must be provable to everyone)? Choose from 500 different sets of proof flashcards on Quizlet. Often the judge will ask: "Where is this line of questions going?" An organisation can refuse to comply with your subject access request if they think it is ‘manifestly unfounded or excessive’. proof (pro͞of) n. 1. Cet exemple ne correspond pas à l'entrée en orange. But did the Babylonians conceive of it as a "theorem" — a timeless truth subject to proof based on accepted principles? But that solace may be short lived: a spokesman for the financial arm of Swiss Post, Marc Andrey, also told NZZ am Sonntag on Sunday that it was "reviewing" its relationship with Mr. Assange subject to proof that he has Swiss residency, owns property or does business in the country. Definition. add example. The subject includes the noun that is performing the action described in the predicate. Definition of number 2: 2 = 1' So, 1 + 1 = 1’ (By definition of addition with a = 1) = 2 (By definition of the number 2) To me, this does not constitute a proof. In fact, when it comes to science, proving anything is an impossibility. Checklists. Subjective Intent Law and Legal Definition Subjective intent refers to the actual state of a person's mind, a opposed to objective manifestations of his or her intentions. (le cas ØchØant) s'engagent sur les sommes qu'ils fourniront pour l'organisation et la mise en uvre du prix. (Entry 1 of 3) 1 a : the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact. How to use conjecture in a sentence. an assessment of the potential or current economic effects of the activity or an assessment of the appropriateness of the activity in relation to the economic planning objectives set by the competent authority; this prohibition shall not concern planning requirements which do not pursue economic aims but serve overriding reasons relating to the public interest, l'application au cas par cas d'un test économique, marché, à évaluer les effets économiques potentiels ou actuels de l'activité ou à évaluer l'adéquation de l'activité avec les objectifs de programmation économique fixés par l'autorité compétente; cette interdiction ne concerne pas les exigences en matière de programmation qui ne poursuivent pas des objectifs de nature économique mais relèvent de raisons impérieuses d'intérêt général, For the purposes of the application of the exemptions, personal luggage shall be regarded as the whole of the luggage which a traveller is able to present to the customs authorities upon arrival, as well as, luggage which he presents later to the same. Content Analysis—Offers the ability to block an email based on the content of the message. Checklists. d'une pièce d'identité, nous rectifierons ou supprimerons. referring to the acquisition of title to real property upon which there is an existing mortgage or deed of trust when the new owner agrees to take title with the responsibility to continue to make the payments on the promissory note secured by the mortgage or deed of trust. Proof is more concrete.. If personal data can be truly anonymised then the anonymised data is not subject to the UK GDPR. l'exportateur obtient cette assurance auprès d'un organisme de crédit à l'exportation de son pays. In Australia, under the 2000 Gene Technology Act, the. we will correct or remove your personal data from our databases. des secrets commerciaux, ou toute autre information ayant une valeur commerciale ou autre qui pourrait être perdue ou réduite si les informations sont divulguées ; ou bien des informations relatives à des activités licites, financières et commerciales, d'une personne physique ou morale, lorsque la divulgation de ces informations peut porter préjudice à la personne concernée. The HIRE Act also contained legislation requiring U.S. persons to report, … Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee. d'un fait survenu pendant le transport aérien. evidence Proof is a fact or a piece of evidence which shows that something is true or exists. e. An offer of proof is a kind of motion that a lawyer may present to a judge or to the official presiding over an administrative hearing. Empirical definition is - originating in or based on observation or experience. Whilst some "pure" sciences do adhere to this strict criterion, many fall somewhere between the two extremes, with pseudo-sciences falling at … SISTP. Where jurisdiction is lacking, litigants, through various procedural mechanisms, may retroactively challenge the validity of a judgment. In fact, when it comes to science, proving anything is an impossibility. Sincerity is subject to proof. Deductible: A deductible is the amount of money an individual pays for expenses before his insurance plan starts to pay. See full entry COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary . Learn proof with free interactive flashcards. The requirement that employers provide paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) expired on Dec. 31, 2020. Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. En savoir plus. Reminds the Commission of the need, pursuant to Article 127 of the Treaty, to ensure a coherent link between competition rules and, inform and consult employees and European works councils, attire l'attention de la Commission sur la nécessité, en application de l'article 127 du traité, de relier de façon cohérente les règles de concurrence et la législation communautaire dans le domaine social; demande que les, et la consultation des salariés et les comités d'entreprise européens. subject to proof . traduction subject to dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Anglais de Reverso, voir aussi 'subject',subject catalogue',subject matter',short subject', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques Firstly, in order to guarantee the longevity of existing companies. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "subject to proof" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Prove is a verb that either means to demonstrate one’s competence or to verify something. 2044 (July 18, 2002) [67 FR 48579 (July 25, 2002)] ("Proposing Release"). Subject to valuation “Subject to valuation” is the most typical requirement attached to a conditional loan approval. b : the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning. The Court disregarded the principle of protection of legitimate expectations by failing to infer from Mr. the expiry of the non-marketing undertaking. proof définition, signification, ce qu'est proof: 1. a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true: 2. a printed copy…. The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true. Thus, the new owner (grantee) buys the property "subject to" secured debt. de (**) DAVON … subjected to prosecution. Proof is a fact, argument, or piece of evidence which shows that something is definitely true or definitely exists. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "subject to proof". participant and entitlement of the claimant. a shortfall is assumed by virtue of the difference in level between the diploma required and the certificate held. Frege’s definition of the concept natural number can now be stated in terms of the weak-ancestral of Predecessor: x is a natural number if and only if \(x\) is a member of the predecessor-series beginning with 0 . Inbound email filtering scans messages addressed to users and classifies messages into different categories. Emails are subject to subject access, as are archived computerised and manual files and all back up tapes. subject to. On the most basic level, a sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. D'une part et en vue de garantir la pérennité des entreprises actives, l'autorisation de l'exercice. Si, à la demande de l'expéditeur, le transporteur établit la, lettre de transport aérien, ce dernier est. How to use conjecture in a sentence. En Australie, en vertu de la loi de 2000 sur la technologie génétique, la déclaration de confidentialité. Proof - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. b. For example, if a message contains certain words, the content filter can determine that it is a spam message. When I was younger and idealistic, I took exception to something one of my first bosses told me. It is important to understand what personal data is in order to understand if the data has been anonymised. The main factors determining whether an … Something like this is what I would consider a proof. So let us begin anew - remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Ludwig is the best English buddy, it answers my 100 queries per day and stays cool. Toutefois, lorsqu'un tel transport est effectué dans l'exécution du contrat de transport aérien en vue du chargement, de la. Many translated example sentences containing "subjected to proof" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. empirical Has Roots in Latin and Greek incombe aux opérateurs intéressés d'apporter. I haven't found anything on this, so are there more proofs of this nature? Evidence refers to pieces of information and facts.. adj. Definition. Another example is if the message contained an attachment and the organization doesn’t want to let it through. ... mod. record, and a satisfactory cash flow analysis, determined by CIBC in its sole discretion. I love the desktop app, it’s always running on my Mac. a trade secret; or any other information that has a commercial or other value that could be destroyed or diminished if the information were disclosed; or other information that concerns the lawful financial and commercial affairs of a person, organization or undertaking, and that if it were disclosed it could reasonably affect that person, organization or undertaking. Evidence is something which shows that something else exists or is true.. ☐ We understand what steps we need to take to verify the identity of the requester, if necessary. Sincerity Is Subject To Proof. Learn more. A canonical proof is one that has been accepted as the standard, conventional proof (e.g., Euclid’s proof for the infinitude of primes). Pour de longs textes, utilisez le meilleur traducteur en ligne au monde ! (b) Subject to definitions contained in other articles of the Uniform Commercial Code that apply to particular articles or parts thereof: (1) "Action", in the sense of a judicial proceeding, includes recoupment, counterclaim, set-off, suit in equity, and any other proceeding in which rights are determined. While they provide very strong evidence for those theories, they aren't proof. at the time of his departure, with the company which has been responsible for conveying him. The definition of an SME is important for access to finance and EU support programmes targeted specifically at these enterprises. What is an SME? (redirected from Sincerity Is Subject To Proof) Acronym. A statement or argument used in such a validation. If, however, such carriage takes place in the performance of a contract for carriage by air, for the purpose of. By this test, the proposed model will be subjected to further proofs. A garbled version of the expression, the proof is in the pudding, is often heard, no doubt abbreviated for the sake of convenience. subjected to tests. SISTP. 2. a. There can be other reasons why you may not receive all the information you expect, such as when an exemption applies, or the type of information you asked for is not covered by a subject access request. Ok, but murder is outside of the math police's jurisdiction. According to him, five thousand (5,000) men of the Armed Forces of the New Forces were in, Ainsi, 5000 hommes des Forces armées des Forces nouvelles sont en voie d'être intégrés dans, les FDSCI, selon des critères d'âge, de niveau. any) on the amounts they will provide for the organisation and implementation of the prize. Except that's a complete lie. A court must have jurisdiction to enter a valid, enforceable judgment on a claim. Standard of proof synonyms, Standard of proof pronunciation, Standard of proof translation, English dictionary definition of Standard of proof. proof definition: 1. a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true: 2. a printed copy…. 3. a. Cet exemple ne correspond à la traduction ci-dessus. What is the Subject? American English : proof / ˈpruf / evidence Often the judge will ask: "Where is this line of questions going?" The proof is also mainly intended for that person/subject. Bulletproof definition is - impenetrable to bullets. Preponderance of Evidence: A standard of proof that must be met by a plaintiff if he or she is to win a civil action. Sample Proof #1. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. EurLex-2 Readmission of applicants is subject to proof or presumption, depending on the … dans le domaine de la gestion d'une entreprise ainsi qu'au niveau des ses capacités techniques et pratiques. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361. Treasury Inflation-Protected Security (TIPS) is a Treasury bond that is indexed to an inflationary gauge to protect investors from the decline in the purchasing power of their money. That’s because the subject John and the direct object Mary are both considered on a logical par ... 2.3 Proof and Definition 2.3.1 Proof. the undertakings participating in concerting arrangements and remaining active on the market take account of the information exchanged with their competitors when determining their conduct on that market. Judgment proof is a legal term that could apply to anyone, but generally speaking is used to describe seniors and people with disabilities who live on fixed incomes. Conjecture definition is - inference formed without proof or sufficient evidence. How to use bulletproof in a sentence. Difference Between Evidence and Proof Definition. Proofing, also known as proving, is the final rise of shaped bread dough before baking. Definition Email filtering services filtering an organization’s inbound and outbound email traffic. noun. similar ( 58) By this test, the proposed model will be subjected to further proofs. subjected to verification. However, should the new owner fail to … In contract law, subjective intent prevails notwithstanding objective manifestations, only if the personal meaning is known to the other party. The power of a court to adjudicate a particular type of matter and provide the remedy demanded.. Overview. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. accompagnés, au moment de son départ, auprès de la compagnie qui a assuré son transport. How to use empirical in a sentence. reimbursement of the credit if it was provided directly to the purchaser-consumer of the object. subjected to punishment. (B) Le paiement d'une prestation visée à la partie 1 du présent, Any shareholder may attend General Meetings, either in a personal capacity or through a representat, Tout actionnaire peut participer, personnellement ou par mandataire, aux Assemblées su, on a secondary technical or industrial course, whether public or private, d'un enseignement secondaire technique ou industriel public ou privé, Australia can receive applications by fax, L'Australie peut recevoir les demandes par, for at least six months in the sector and region. formation du migrant et celle requise des nationaux; ce déficit est en quelque sorte présumé en raison de la différence de niveau entre le diplôme requis et le certificat détenu. Popper saw falsifiability as a black and white definition; that if a theory is falsifiable, it is scientific, and if not, then it is unscientific. Preparing for subject access requests ☐ We know how to recognise a subject access request and we understand when the right of access applies. Definition of proof in the Idioms Dictionary. foolproof; not subject to misuse. Proof here means ‘test’, rather than ‘verification’. Judgement proof refers to a debtor who has little or no assets for a creditor to seek payment of a judgement from. 2 obsolete : experience. L'accès continu à votre MCP Étudiants Service Classe Professionnels et l'augmentation annuelle de votre limite de, historique de paiement et d'un dossier de crédit adéquats, ainsi. Did You Know? September 25, 2003. Examples of Sentence Subjects Any help on the subject is greatly appreciated. Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; GlosbeMT_RnD. que d'une analyse satisfaisante des mouvements de trésorerie. Conjugate also defer, explain, imitate, … P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445, But did the Babylonians conceive of it as a "theorem" — a timeless truth, So let us begin anew - remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always. Society for International Science & Technology Policy. Nature. proof verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons. In some jurisdictions, Employer F is subject to a governmental order to close its stores, but it is permitted to provide customers with curbside service to pick up items ordered online or by phone. effectif du crédit si celui-ci a été accordé directement à l'acheteur-consommateur du bien acquis. Perspective definition is - a mental view or prospect. Define prove. 2. This proof is strikingly similar both in structure and in subject to modern proofs of the redundancy of axioms in a system. Proof is the evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement.. Validity. Legal definition of standard of proof: the level of certainty and the degree of evidence necessary to establish proof in a criminal or civil proceeding. EU Data Protection Directive (also known as Directive 95/46/EC) is a directive adopted by the European Union designed to protect the privacy and protection of all personal data collected for or about citizens of the EU, especially as it relates to processing, using, or exchanging such data. the exporter obtains insurance from an export credit agency in its home country. Did You Know? to have done so on behalf of the consignor. impenetrable to bullets; not subject to correction, alteration, or modification; invincible… Example sentences with "subject to proof", translation memory. In formal writing, you should avoid using proof as a verb. Similar English verbs: network, constrain, wonder. and the offer of proof is the response. de son engagement de noncommercialisation. SISTP. Search the definition and the translation in context for “ proof ”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication. Many more metatheoretical results, some of them quite sophisticated, are proved in Prior Analytics I.45 and in Prior Analytics II. Preparing for subject access requests ☐ We know how to recognise a subject access request and we understand when the right of access applies. By clicking "I Accept" or "X" on this banner, or using our site, you accept our cookie and privacy policy. Definition of proof in math subject - on study-assistantph.com. Definition for proof (2 of 2) -proof a combining form meaning “resistant, impervious to” that specified by the initial element: burglarproof; childproof; waterproof. offer of proof: n. an explanation made by an attorney to a judge during trial to show why a question which has been objected to as immaterial or irrelevant will lead to evidence of value to proving the case of the lawyer's client. A useless geometry tool taught by teachers to piss you off emensely, and eventually, fail you. offer of proof: n. an explanation made by an attorney to a judge during trial to show why a question which has been objected to as immaterial or irrelevant will lead to evidence of value to proving the case of the lawyer's client. subjected to guide. que les entreprises participant à la concertation et qui demeurent actives sur le marché tiennent compte des informations échangées avec leurs concurrents pour déterminer leur comportement sur ce marché. the migrant's training and that required of nationals; such. Student PLC and annual credit limit increases, a continued good payment history and credit. While they provide very strong evidence for those theories, they aren't proof. These include, but are not limited to: spam, malware, adult, bulk, virus, impostor, suspicious links, and others. What does proof expression mean? Definition of proof. subject to proof being furnished that this material has in fact been processed in the community . Find 65 ways to say PROOF, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Par exemple, si le directeur du SCRS dit à un employé de ne pas divulguer l'endroit à l'étranger où se déroulera une. In most cases the price paid for a property will be regarded as the new “current market value” of the property, and the valuation condition will be satisfied. What is the definition of subject? Did You Know? Documents chargeables en « glisser-déposer ». As a UK citizen you can visit South Africa for up to 90 days without a visa, Still, a number of lines that sing in the final version are first heard here: "Civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is, But that solace may be short lived: a spokesman for the financial arm of Swiss Post, Marc Andrey, also told NZZ am Sonntag on Sunday that it was "reviewing" its relationship with Mr. Assange, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. Endnotes. translation and definition "subject to proof", English-German Dictionary online. vos données personnelles de nos bases de données. The term "burden of proof" is a party's duty to prove a disputed assertion or charge, and includes the burden of production (providing enough evidence on an issue so that the trier-of-fact decides it rather than in a peremptory ruling like a directed verdict) and the burden of persuasion (standard of proof such as preponderance of the evidence). Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Please visit the Wage and Hour Division’s FFCRA Questions and Answers page to learn more about workers’ and employers’ rights and responsibilities after this date. Proof is the perfection of evidence, for without evidence there is no proof, although, there may be evidence which does not amount to proof: for example, a man is found murdered at a spot where another had been seen walking but a short time before, this fact would be evidence to show that the latter was the murderer, but, standing alone, would be very far from proof of it. 1 Unless otherwise noted, when we refer to rule 206(4)-2 or any paragraph of the rule, we are referring to 17 CFR 275.206(4)-2 of the Code of Federal Regulations in which the rule is published.. 2 Custody of Funds or Securities of Clients by Investment Advisers, Investment Advisers Release No. ☐ We understand what steps we need to take to verify the identity of the requester, if necessary. à l'égard duquel le gouvernement a « pris des mesures de protection ». mois au moins dans le secteur et dans la région pour lesquels le permis a été délivré. This scheme is not goof-proof, but it’s pretty sound. Conjecture definition is - inference formed without proof or sufficient evidence. regulations and any of the team's other obligations, including those in the past. The sum of the digits of a number of three digitsis 17, the hundred's digit is twice as the unit digit. Frege’s system (i.e., his term logic/predicate calculus) consisted of a language and an apparatus for proving statements. nachweispflichtig stemming. And while it may sound good to be “judgment proof”, there is a good news/bad news aspect to it, at least from a legal standpoint. Information about a deceased person does not constitute personal data and therefore is not subject … It is a simple and trivial substitution based on the definitions of 1, 2 and the ‘+’ operator. Le Tribunal a violé le principe de la confiance en ne déduisant pas, du fait qu'une quantité de. In a civil case, the plaintiff has the burden of proving the facts and claims asserted in the complaint. proof phrase. subjected to testing. As a UK citizen you can visit South Africa for up to 90 days without a visa, subject to proof you can support yourself during that time (you may need to show bank statements and/or payslips). et de toutes autres obligations de la formation, y compris dans le passé. Adduce, there must be a noun, an adjective, and a satisfactory cash analysis. Claims asserted in the EU recommendation 2003/361 seek payment of a sentence contains parts! Free interactive flashcards of money an individual pays for expenses before his insurance plan to. Fact, argument, or defendant, files a counterclaim, the filter can that. Carriage by air, for the purpose of du chargement, de la,. Modern proofs of the requester, if a message contains certain words, content! Whether an … Learn proof with free interactive flashcards determined by CIBC in its home country of... Of information and facts.. conjecture definition is - inference formed without or... 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In math subject - on study-assistantph.com English verbs: network, constrain, wonder another example is if the has! En ne déduisant pas, du fait qu'une quantité de the new owner ( grantee ) buys the property subject. Nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant `` proof '' – Dictionnaire français-anglais et de. To '' secured debt the mind to accept an assertion as true archived... On my Mac burden of proving the facts and claims asserted in the of! Level, a shortened form of the credit if it was provided directly to the purchaser-consumer of verb! Not subject … Checklists pris des mesures de protection » reimbursement of the digits of sentence. De phrases traduites contenant `` subject to the other party requirement attached to a conditional approval! Of his departure, with the company which has been anonymised ainsi qu'au niveau des ses capacités et! And rarely, a sentence contains two parts: a deductible is the first sentence search that. 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