
sir alex ferguson on ronaldo and messi

But when the legendary United boss was asked by 1991 world snooker champions John Parrott to pick between … The Lionel Messi vs Cristiano Ronaldo debate has raged on for years, but legendary Man United boss Sir Alex Ferguson had a classy response. "It's not that I go to his house and eat together. Sir Alex Ferguson obviously has a strong link to Ronaldo, given that he was arguably the greatest player to ply his trade under the Scot. He is not a friend, but I … Sir Alex Ferguson Had A Perfect Response To The Lionel Messi Vs Cristiano Ronaldo Debate. Sir Alex Ferguson Once Gave His Opinion On Diego Maradona Vs Lionel Messi Debate In Fascinating Talk Daniel Marland in Football Published 1:34 PM , Friday November 27 2020 GMT Former Manchester United boss, Sir Alex Ferguson has added his voice to the debate on who is the greatest footballer between Barcelona ace, Lionel Messi and Juventus’ Cristiano Ronaldo. Sir Alex Ferguson's Man Utd welcomed Lionel Messi to Old Trafford in the 2008 Champions League semi-finals. Sir Alex Ferguson explains why Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo aren't on the same level The former Manchester Untied boss has been weighing in on the old Messi vs Ronaldo … Both debates have not been won either as people are still split on which player is the greatest. Sir Alex Ferguson Believes Ronaldo Is Better Than Messi: Here's Why “I was actually marking him, so wherever he went, I … If anyone knows about football it is Sir Alex Ferguson. Messi Vs Ronaldo: Alex Ferguson Gives Verdict On Greater Player by etokhana: 3:32pm On Nov 16, 2020. Sir Alex Ferguson har givet et underholdende indspark i diskussionen om, hvem af Cristiano Ronaldo og Lionel Messi der er bedst. In the modern era it has changed to Messi or Ronaldo. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11667/9997669/fergie-on A LOOK BACK: Picking between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been an impossible task, but in 2015 Sir Alex Ferguson summed up the debate perfectly But Sir Alex Ferguson has finally weighed in and for him, the greatest of the two is Cristiano Ronaldo. Lionel Messi og Cristiano Ronaldo har domineret den internationale fodboldscene igennem mere end et årti, og selvom de i dag er nået et stykke op i 30’erne, er de stadig at finde på toppen af spillet.

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