
salween river upsc

Little is known about the fish species diversity in the Salween; or about how much fish is landed annually. Sources: Tributaries of Lake Victoria, Africa. WLE Greater Mekong is funded in part by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Nevertheless, there are dams in the basin. Population density is highest in Mon State (more than 300 people per KM²) and western Yunnan (up to 100 persons per KM²), and lowest in Tibet (5 people per KM²). They then diverge downstream, so that Salween eventually discharges into the Andaman Sea, Yangtze into the East China Sea, and Mekong into the South China Sea. The sustainable development of the Greater Mekong depends on the fair and equitable governance of its water. MEKONG RIVER  Agriculture and Fishery. So, geography series is suspended from this point, till further developments. The Salween rises on the Tibetan Plateau, and then flows for about 2,400 km to its mouth on the Gulf of Martaban. The river is known … Lakhs of candidates appear every year in the examination for a chance of recruitment in the Indian Administrative Services, Indian Foreign Services and other departmental Group A and B jobs. Despite the river's great length, only the last 90 km (56 mi) are navigable, where it forms a modest estuary and delta at Mawlamyine. Trade and Transport. The topic ‘Major Rivers of the World’ is important for competitive exams. ; SPIRITUAL STRINGS: The Kailash Mansarovar, which is centered in this region and with its spiritual overtones, tugs at the heart strings of every Indian. The delta of the Irrawaddy begins about 93 kilometres (58 mi) above Hinthada (Henzada) and about 290 kilometres (180 mi) from its curved base, which faces the Andaman Sea.The westernmost distributary of the delta is the Pathein (Bassein) River, while the easternmost stream is the Yangon River, on the left bank of which stands Myanmar's former capital city, Yangon (Rangoon). Illegal logging, a source of income for both government and ethnic armed groups, has seriously degraded forests in the past 20 years. It is imperative to know physical geography through its display of environmental diversity. NURTURED CIVILISATIONS: Brahmaputra, the Yangtse, the Yellow river, the Mekong, the Salween and the Indus — together with thousands of their tributaries have nurtured civilisations in peripheral countries for centuries. Popular Courses. Over 10 million people live in the basin – 3.8 million in China, 6.1 million in Myanmar, and about 600,000 million in Thailand. And in Myanmar, massive planned dams are mired in controversy. Throughout most of its course, it runs swiftly through rugged mountain canyons. While water quality is generally good, many economic activities threaten this status. Cease all interference in Cachar and the Jaintia Hills district. Outflow: Mediterranean Sea. The Three Parallel Rivers UNESCO World Heritage Site, which supports over 25% of the world’s and 50% of China’s animal species, with 77 species of animals, 34 species of native plants and four fish species listed as protected or endangered. Aside from these benefits, they also absorb floodwater that could otherwise cause disaster during the wet season. The fifth-largest river in the world – it originates from the headwaters of the Selenga River near western Mongolia close to the Khangai mountains. Capacity Building & Professional Development. The three rivers flow parallel to each other along a narrow strip of deep gorges and high ridges known as the “Three Parallel Rivers Heritage Site”. The river’s long and narrow basin covers over 283,000 KM². Rivers of Asia: Salween river, Irrawaddy river, Mekong river, Chao Phraya river; Climate of SE Asia: Monsoon pattern in SE Asia, Typhoons in late summer; Agriculture in SE Asia: Rubber and palm oil, Coconut and sugarcane, Cocoa cultivation, Status of agriculture in SE Asia; Mineral, coal and tin … Revision Tips for World Geography Through Maps. Nevertheless, livelihoods studies show that fishing is very important to people living alongside the river and its tributaries. In China, the river cuts deep into the earth, creating a magnificent sight of a 4,000-metre deep gorge known as the “Grand Canyon of the East” or “China’s Grand Canyon (IRN 2012). Find out the list of Major River Systems in the World which is very useful for the competitive examinations like UPSC-prelims, SSC, State Services, NDA, CDS, and Railways etc. The rich river soil and water sustain agriculture and fishery. Along with its two sisters, Salween and Yangtze, it drains the eastern watershed of the Tibetan Plateau. Salween River: The Salween River originates in the eastern highlands of the Tibetan Plateau and enters the Andaman Sea in eastern Myanmar – the longest undammed river in mainland Southeast Asia. Nile. Today, Insights is synonymous with UPSC civil services exam preparation. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. For the time being, China has cancelled its hydropower development ambitions for that part of the river in China. The Salween flows primarily within southwest China and eastern Burma (Myanmar), with a short section forming the border of Burma and Thailand. It originates from the eastern highlands of the Tibetan Plateau, then flows through the “Three Parallel Rivers Heritage Site” in China before becoming the Salween in Thailand and Myanmar, and finally emptying into the Andaman Sea (IRN 2013). Much of its basin in Thailand lies in a protected area. For many years, the river has been an important passage for people and goods between the many towns along its bank. Wetlands in the Mekong Basin host many unique ecosystems that significantly contribute to agriculture and fishery. Its journey covers a distance of 2,815 kilometers making it one of the continent’s longest waterways. The River Nile is the longest river that is 7088 kilometres in length. The list of 20 tips are provided below to revise World Geography through maps: You must know about the mountains of the world and the continent in which they are present – For eg., a probable question can be, ‘in which continent are the Rocky Mountains present?’ (Answer: North America).Similarly, you should study grasslands and deserts. It is not known precisely how much water the Salween issues into the sea, and estimates range from an average of 94 to 263 KM³ a year. It is not known precisely how much water the Salween issues into the sea, and estimates range from an average of 94 to 263 KM³ a year. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. A team of Dedicated Mentors are at work to help you through Revision, Current Affairs, Test Series, Standard Notes to ace Your Dream to became an IAS ! Approx. South east Countries Myanmar Thailand Philippines Indonesia Largest archipelago Malaysia Singapore Economy of SE Asian countries from NCERT, NIOS, Majid hussain, Oxford atlas, GC Leong, for UPSC Prelimn, Mains optional and other exams of … Each year the Last Descents team returns to the Salween (Nu-Jiang) river in the heart of rural China to run multi-day raft trips, kayak, and explore one of the greatest watersheds in China. In Myanmar, the Burmese refer to the Salween as the Thanlwin, while in Mandarin it is referred to as the angry river, the Nu Jiang. It is the area adjoining Amur river and its tributaries of the northern part of China with an area of 135,000 square miles approx. Deccan Plateau: Lies to the south of Indo Gangetic plain, between the Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats. These are formed from soluble minerals in the water that form through precipitation. We can allow it to be used as a resource to be exploited for the benefit of a few, or we can act to protect this river and its tributaries by seeking permanent legal protection for the Salween basin. In China, there are 23 hydropower dams of 15 MW installed capacity and above, and 10 irrigation dams with a reservoir surface area of 0.5 KM2 and above. Click below to download the Salween River Basin map. Major Tributaries of the Kaveri river Working Paper on Population Growth and Natural Resource Pressures in Pursat Catchment, China’s Influence on Hydropower Development in the Lancang River and Lower Mekong River Basin (Lao Language), Water Demand Analysis within the Pursat River Catchment, Assessment of the impacts from WSI on agricultural activities; and how changes in agricultural activities are affecting WSI, State of Knowledge: Hydropower Environmental Mitigation Measures on the Lancang River, Dams in the Mekong Basin: Commissioned, Under Construction and Planned Dams in May 2013, Institutional Arrangements: Policies and Administrative Mechanisms on Water Governance in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The Salween River emerges from the Qinghai Mountains and flows through China and crosses international borders to enter Burma and then Thailand. Over 10 million people live in the basin – 3.8 million in China, 6.1 million in Myanmar, and about 600,000 million in Thailand. The afternoon bombing on an area on the Salween River in Karen State’s Mutraw district killed two Karen guerrillas and wounded many more, said a member of the Free Burma Rangers, which delivers medical assistance to villagers. Here, we are giving, the list of Major Rivers of the World which is very useful for the competitive examinations like UPSC-prelims, SSC, State Services, NDA, … India’s Best Online Website for UPSC IAS Exam Preparation. The HKH region form the largest area of permanent ice cover outside of the North and South Poles, and so are often referred to as “Third Pole”. Note in penultimate paragraph “The Salween stretches across 17o of latitude. Length (km): … Rising in the T’ang-ku-la Mountains, a range of eastern Tibet, the river flows generally south for about 1,500 miles (2,400 km) through Yunnan province, China, and eastern Myanmar, emptying into the Gulf of Martaban of the Andaman Sea at Moulmein. Insights has redefined the way preparation is done in UPSC civil service exam. Among the benefits the Mekong offers include: Forests. A team of Dedicated Mentors are at work to help you through Revision, Current Affairs, Test Series, Standard Notes to ace Your Dream to became an IAS ! These can be seen on Google Earth, and are an unusual feature known as ‘travertine barrages’ or ‘tufa’. Other rivers that have their headwaters in the highlands are the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang), the Huang He (Yellow River), the Mekong, the Salween, and the Tarim. Source of origin of the Kaveri river: The Kaveri river rises from Talakaveri in the hills of Brahmagiri in Coorg district in the state of Karnataka. The Salween is a Southeast Asian river, about 3,289 kilometres (2,044 mi) long, flowing from the Tibetan Plateau south into the Andaman Sea. Great Plains of China It is contributed by two major rivers of China, Hwang Ho and Yangtze river which covers an area of 158,000 square miles approx. The river supports the world’s greatest diversity of turtles, and the wetlands of the Salween’s Delta support populations of the fishing cat. The Salween River (also known as the Nu and Thanlwin) is the longest undammed river in mainland Southeast Asia. Myanmar’s second largest lake, Inle, is to be found in the Salween Basin. As it descends through China, the Salween passes through a UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the Three Parallel Rivers, alongside the Mekong and Yangtze rivers. Confluence or mouth of the Kaveri river: The Kaveri river drains its waters into the Bay of Bengal before forming a wide delta called the garden of southern India. It originates from the eastern highlands of the Tibetan Plateau, then flows through the “Three Parallel Rivers Heritage Site” in China before becoming the Salween in Thailand and Myanmar, and finally emptying into the Andaman Sea (IRN 2013). Copyright © 2021 Southeast Asia. The Andaman Sea is the river’s final destination. The river houses 360 species of fish, 326 species of birds, 145 species of amphibians, and 50 species of mammals within its banks. 10 Major river basins in HKH region: Amu Darya, Brahmaputra, Ganges, Indus, Irrawaddy, Mekong, Salween, Tarim, Yangtze, Yellow rivers. The mainstream of the Salween is one of the last free flowing rivers in the world. On the Nam Pang, a tributary of the Salween in Myanmar, a series of curious ‘weirs’ cross the river both to the north and south of Kunhing in Shan State. Wetlands. Prologue G10/P1: World Geography- China G10/P2: World Geography- Japan G10/P3: World Geography- Russia G10/P4: World Geography- South East Asia Prologue After this lecture, mains result came out, so Ms.Rajtanil won’t be conducting any more sessions till her own UPSC interview is over. Region important for precious stone (Rubies), silver, lead, and tin and tungsten. Allow an exchange of diplomatic representatives between Ava and Calcutta. In Myanmar, there are 4 hydropower dams and 6 irrigation dams. The Salween (Burmese: သံလွင်မြစ်; MLCTS: sam lwang mrac, IPA: [θàɴlwɪ̀ɴ mjɪʔ], is a river, aboot 2,815 kilometre (1,749 mi) lang, that flows frae the Tibetan Plateau intae the … These days, it is becoming a major international trade route mainly because it is a lot cheaper to go by water than by land when transporting large volumes of cargo over long distances. RIVER OUTFLOW LENGTH; Nile: Mediterranean Sea: 6,690: Amazon: Atlantic Ocean: 6,296: Mississippi Missouri-Red Rock: Gulf of Mexico: 6,020: Yangtze-Kiang: China Sea: 5,797 Forests in the Mekong Basin support biodiversity and prevent or lessen the occurrences of calamities like flood, landslide and soil erosion. India’s Best Online Website for UPSC IAS Exam Preparation. OGP InstaClasses- Classroom Program - 2021 (Online) OGP InstaClasses - Classroom Program - 2021 (Offline - Bangalore) Union Public Service Commission, UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2019 or UPSC Prelims would be conducted on Sunday - June 2, 2019. Salween River The Salween River is one of the rivers in the Three Parallel Rivers area in South China. The Salween River flows through the plateau. In Thailand, it is referred to as the Salawin. From its headwaters in Tibet to its estuary in Myanmar, it remains wild and relatively untouched, flowing through remote and pristine areas, including China’s Three Parallel Rivers UNESCO World Heritage Site. Your One-Stop Solution for All round UPSC Civil Service Exam Preparations. The Indus River originates in the western Tibetan Plateau in the vicinity of Lake Manasarovar. Yenisei-Angara-Selenga-Ider. (MRC 2010a: 5) Millions of people living in different areas of the Mekong Basin depend on the waters and the diverse river products for food, income, livelihood opportunities and their way of life. Test Series: UPSC IAS Prelims Exam 2020 (GS Paper- 1 Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society) Earth is splendid terrestrial haven. On the Tibetan Plateau, 8% water is estimated to come from glacial meltwater, 28% from snowmelt, 22% from base flow (water from the ground that seeps slowly into the river channel over time) and 42% from rainfall (with seasonal variations). On the Tibetan Plateau, 8% water is estimated to come from glacial meltwater, 28% from snowmelt, 22% from base flow (water from the ground that seeps slowly into the river channel over time) and 42% from rainfall (with seasonal variations). SALWEEN RIVER There is great ethnic diversity in the basin. All rights reserved. The Salween stretches across 17o of latitude, and 5,500 metres of altitude and therefore displays a wide array of different ecological habitats ranging from tropical monsoonal to tundra, and five major ecoregions. The Salween is one of the last, large, longest internationally free-flowing rivers. Lhanchang or Lanchang (China), Nam Khong or Nam Kong (Lao PDR), Tonle Thum (Cambodia) and Cuu Long (Vietnam), China, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, Nu Jiang or “Angry River” (China), Salwine or Salawin (Thailand) and Nu or Thanlwin (Myanmar). Is about 2,800 kilometers long and has a drainage area of 324,000 square kilometers. More than 10 million hectares of cultivated land is used for growing rice, the main staple for most Southeast Asians.The Mekong is one of the world’s huge rivers. Lake Inlay became a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2015. INTRODUCTION TO Physical, human, Indian and World GEOGRAPHY covering topics like RUSSIA AND SOUTH EAST ASIA Lake Baikal Tundra and Taiga. It empties into the Mediterranean Sea and crosses both the Equator and Tropic Of Cancer. Your One-Stop Solution for All round UPSC Civil Service Exam Preparations. Amongst academics, the huge highland ethnic diversity in the Greater Mekong is sometimes gathered under a fictional region or country named ‘Zomia’. Cede to the British Assam, Manipur, Rakhine (Arakan), and the Taninthayi (Tenasserim) coast south of the Salween River. The Salween is one of the longest free-flowing rivers of Southeast Asia (WWF, n.d.). From its source to the China-Myanmar border, the river drops 4 KM in altitude. The Salween is a whitewater boater’s paradise full of big, splashy rapids for almost any paddling level. SALWEEN RIVER The Salween is one of the longest free-flowing rivers of Southeast Asia (WWF, n.d.). Pay an indemnity of one million pounds sterling in four installments. Thailand has yet to construct any dams in its part of the basin. In December 2018 Paul Sein Twa led his people in establishing a 1.35-million-acre peace park as an approach of conservation in the Salween River basin. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ( DFAT ) in 2015 Prelims would be conducted on Sunday - 2. In Myanmar, there are 4 hydropower dams and 6 irrigation dams close... Headwaters of the Salween is one of the Tibetan Plateau World – originates... You continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it final destination is... The mainstream of the Kaveri river India ’ s long and has drainage... Degraded forests in the World livelihoods studies show that fishing is very important people... Sustain agriculture and fishery alongside the river and its Tributaries that you are happy with it Solution for round!, 2019 for that part of the river Nile is the longest free-flowing rivers journey covers a of! Are 4 hydropower dams and 6 irrigation dams swiftly through rugged mountain canyons the Mediterranean Sea and both... 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