The curriculum was expanded with GCEs at both GCSE and Advanced Level introduced to complement Scottish Highers, and the school became notably more ‘academic’ in its outlook and success. Also at this time, rearrangement of rooms in the basement of Gibson House saw the introduction of a Sixth Form club (‘The 6A Club’) where the eldest boys could relax and entertain. Refurbishment and modernisation also improved accommodation in the Fifth Form House (Rogerson East) and for the Middle School in Chalmers East and Chalmers West. He gave money as a parting gift for the building of a new school library. Sports Map; Opponent Maps & Links; Sports Contacts; School Website; Sports Map. Family History - Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh or Nationwide A truly comprehensive collection of Family Research sites. A Scottish boarding and day school for boys aged 7-18, offering the English... Jump to It offers student living arrangements along with a British education. On 11 December 1858, when boys of Merchiston travelled to Raeburn Place to play a match of Rugby Football (only fairly recently introduced to the school) against The Edinburgh Academy, little did they or anyone else know that the fixture was to be the first of an annual fixture that has run without interruption every year since then. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. For a relatively small school, Merchiston continues to over-achieve against national figures academically. A dining hall was built and increased boarding accommodation was found as the school grew. Pupil numbers fell as low as 142 before they started to increase again, the school rapidly filling to capacity. Under this influential Headmaster, Merchiston became well established, and its renown for good sport, cultural activities and scholarship evolved. Here Charles Chalmers, with the help of some assistant tutors, taught a small number of pupils until their numbers grew too large for those premises. The School had been planning to build a chapel, and the view soon changed that there was a need for a memorial to the Fallen – a Memorial Hall. Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. On Monday 1 August 1938 a letter by George Lawson, President of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, concerning Merchiston Castle was published in The Scotsman. The long-term project to provide top quality accommodation for Sixth Formers, as well as more Sixth Form places, came to fruition with the opening of Laidlaw House – named after Merchistonian Lord Laidlaw of Rothiemay, a major donor to the fund. But again, the shadow of war loomed large. In September 1939, masters returned to school early for the autumn term to fill sandbags and to black-out windows. In 1988 the Sanatorium at Pringle was closed in favour of a modern Medical Centre in the west wing of the ground floor of the Main Building. An additional classroom block (called at the time ‘The New Block’, but more recently ‘Mappa Mundi’) was opened on the site of the former ‘Air Hall’ in 1991, which with the adjoining Theatre Block (now ‘Napier’) enabled teaching to continue in classes up to 20 as the school slowly expanded in size. Rogerson took an extended lease on the Tower in 1895, and suggested that he transfer his interest in the school to a newly-formed Company, while retaining the greatest shareholding himself. Merchiston Castle School. Sports History; Resources. And this rare feat was achieved again in the 1888-1889 season, as Rogerson celebrated his 25th year at the helm. Notably 4 of these were capped whilst still being at School, the most recent being W.G.Neilson in 1894. Later, the Duchess planted a tree in the West Gardens. The Science laboratories in Gibson house were all refurbished to high, modern standards (Chemistry in 2003, Physics in 2004 and Biology in 2005). Formerly on the staff of Winchester College and a housemaster at Wellington College, David Spawforth was employed to modernise Merchiston. By 1998 when David Spawforth retired after seventeen very active years at the helm, the school roll had grown to 368 boys – a 21% increase during his headmastership. Workmen were still putting the finishing touches to the Colinton House conversion (now renamed Gibson House), the new sanatorium in the south of the site and to the fives courts, but everything was finished by Christmas of that year. We consider that it is a strategic imperative that Merchiston is well-positioned to provide our students with the best possible education and breadth of opportunities now and in the years ahead. With accommodations for 600, the senior school is exclusively for boarding students. The first/second paragraph of this article reads like something out of a prospectus. The previous season had seen all the school’s rugby XV go unbeaten, without a single point scored against them! Formerly the first appointed Government Inspector of Schools in Scotland, Gibson continued Chalmers’ ethos, extending the school with new buildings and developing the tradition of a happy school with a ‘family atmosphere’ introduced by the founder. The introduction of harder exams for the Sixth Form saw a slow improvement in academic achievement to accompany the traditional strengths in sports. Mention must be made of Merchiston International School, in Shenzen, China, which opened its doors to boys and girls aged 4-18 on 27 August 2018. Under his headship, pupil numbers increased and Merchiston’s renown grew. The Governors and the Headmaster have a clear vision for Merchiston Castle School upholding its strong history and many traditions. After two terms when the Senior Resident Master, Mr AH Humphries, acted as Headmaster, Mr Alan Bush was appointed from the Spring Term 1958. It is based upon the Napier tartan as the school was founded in the 1830s in the original home of John Napier of Merchiston, now part of Edinburgh Napier University. In 1828 Charles Chalmers started a small school in Park Place on a site now occupied by the McEwan Hall. The school’s playing field, to the north of the old Tower, was lost to a housing development, but Dr Rogerson was able to acquire new playing fields a little farther along Colinton Road (where George Watson’s College is now located). [5] Fifty years on, in 1983, at a time of further expansion and with 350 boys on the roll, their daughter, now Queen Elizabeth II, visited the school for its 150th anniversary. Address: Merchiston Castle School Colinton Road EDINBURGH ... Merchiston Castle School, Colinton Road, EDINBURGH, Midlothian, EH13 0PU Academic and cultural events flourished under Rogerson, so that within fifteen years of taking over the running of the school, Merchiston’s name was widely known and respected and has since then featured as an integral part of Edinburgh school life. Concerns about the increasing disruption to Saturday school due to the demands of the competitor day-schools to play sports fixtures on Saturday mornings, led to the introduction of an eight-day timetable in September 2005. In 2008 there were 107 boys in Pringle, a doubling of numbers since the mid-1990s: Pringle continues to be a vital source of pupils for the senior school. Our continuous investment in the future of the School has, therefore, been due to the success of four previous appeals, to the generosity of parents, Merchistonians, Trusts and well-wishers, and also to the careful management of School finances. Our community’s wellbeing is central; without it, no one will ever achieve their best. One major development was the building of Laidlaw House, as a residence for Sixth formers, but other refurbishment continues. History []. The Department’s approach is an inclusive one, however, accepting the challenge of giving every Merchiston boy a sense of history and their place in the world. In October 1924 the purchase of the Colinton House estate was completed, and the old site and accompanying playing fields were sold to the Merchant Company of Edinburgh who were looking for a site for the rebuilding and relocation of George Watson’s College. Played as twenty players a-side, the result was hotly contested at the time (but probably should go down as a win for the Academy!). Harvey seems to have overseen few development changes at the school and pupil numbers started to fall. This means that although Mr Cruden was found guilty he was not convicted of the offences libelled. It is from here that the school name is derived. The plan was for a school of 250 pupils, all boarders, built around a central Memorial Hall with a classroom block across it to the south, and study blocks, dining hall, kitchen and accommodation for the domestic staff to the north. We’d love you to join us on the journey of our great school. School Address. Edinburgh and Perthshire: The Public School Tradition. Plans were started to erect a Memorial Hall in the West Gardens, in the only site available for a building of the required size, and by 1922 the architect, Mr N A Dick, had had plans for the hall provisionally approved. Progressive rearrangement of the boarding accommodation in the early 1990s saw each Sixth Former get their own study bedroom in the two boarding houses involved (Rogerson West and Evans) as well as prefect rooms in the other houses. In May 1833, Charles Chalmers took a lease of Merchiston Castle (the former home of John Napier, the inventor of logarithms) — which at that time stood in rural surroundings — and moved the school. A shared realisation by the Governors and the new Headmaster that Merchiston needed to grow still further to ensure it would survive, Andrew Hunter threw himself into recruitment and marketing of the school, appointing new Admissions and External Relations teams as part of a general expansion of administrative staff at a time when legislation bore down heavily on independent schools in Scotland, and keeping on top of the paperwork involved with liaising with various external agencies became a necessary part of running the school as a viable business. Now established on its Colinton site as one of Scotland’s most successful independent schools, with a fine tradition of excellence in sports, academic results and the Arts, Merchiston finds itself the only independent boys-only school north of the Thames Valley. [9] Merchiston also participates, with the Edinburgh Academy, in the oldest continuous rugby football fixture in the world, the first being on 11 December 1858. [14], Independent boarding and day school in Edinburgh, Scotland, Merchiston International School in Shenzhen, Dictionary of Scottish Architects: Robert Lorimer, Category:People educated at Merchiston Castle School, "Merchiston and Glenalmond. Merchistonian v. School matches in various sports took place. There was much planning for the sesquicentennial celebrations of the school’s foundation. Many displays were visited by the assembled throng, including a major art exhibition and a display of ‘Merchistoniana’ in the glass cabinets in the Library. The Merchistonian Football Club for former pupils of the School was a founding member of the Scottish Rugby Union and was involved in the very first rugby international,[7] supplying three players. We want everyone connected with Merchiston to enjoy the very best teaching resources, boarding and day accommodation, and arts and sports facilities. He also saw the building of the Cecil Evans Memorial Swimming Pool, opened in June 1961. Upgraded so that all boarders have their own study bedroom (some larger ones being shared during the day with a day-boy colleague) in what was formerly Rogerson West (the house now being renamed ‘Rogerson’), with a new Sixth Form day-boy House (the new Evans) in part of the former Rogerson East: the main stairwell of the latter now allows access to ‘Mount Olympus’, housing the Classics, Economics and Geography departments, together with a kitchen area and formal eating area for ‘Masterchef’ classes. The abolition of the Assisted Places Scheme in 1997 and the closure of a number of preparatory ‘feeder’ schools in Scotland saw the lowering of the entry age to Merchiston from eleven years (into the First Form, introduced in 1994) to eight (into newly formed J4 and J5 from 2001) in an attempt to compensate for this shortfall. Building began in 1928 including the Chalmers and Rogerson boarding houses, designed by Sir Robert Lorimer. That is why wellbeing underpins everything we do. [10], The Merchiston Castle School tartan was designed by Kinloch Anderson in 1988. A continual need to prepare for inspection by these external agencies became a feature of the work of the teaching and pastoral staff alike, keeping ahead of the changing views of the educational establishment. Dr Rogerson was succeeded by Mr George Smith (Headmaster from 1898-1914), who quietly worked to improve the provision of all aspects of the varied life of boys at the School. In 1914 the property was let to Merchiston Castle School Ltd, but in 1924 the school moved to a new site at Colinton.In 1935 the castle passed to the City of Edinburgh, and was used by the National Fire Service during World War II, although the surrounding 19th-century buildings were then demolished. Incredibly amongst schools, many of those have gone onto full International honours; in fact Merchiston can boast a tally of 64 full Internationalists. In 1828 Charles Chalmers started a small school in Park Place on a site now occupied by the McEwan Hall. At the same time, the constitution of the school was changed, the old Merchiston Castle School Company was wound up and replaced by a new one limited by guarantee and with no share capital. Mr Smith moved to become Master of Dulwich College in the summer of 1914. Lessons are taught in English and pupils from grades 1 to 9 follow the English national curriculum, with additional access to Mandarin language learning. The curriculum has been devised so as to relate the history of Scotland to that of Britain, and to place Britain in a wider international context. [2] Over time, the number of pupils grew and the Merchiston Castle became too small to accommodate the school. Plans to replace the Evans Memorial Swimming Pool with a new sports’ hall/swimming pool complex on the bank above the athletics arena and a further all-weather pitch in the area of the ‘Himalayas’ pitches were not realised due to a lack of funding and some structural difficulties. He came over to say goodbye to the boys and staff at the end of term, shaking hands with each and every one (from which Merchiston’s tradition of Handshaking at the end of key services and assemblies may derive); he sadly died in the August. This sustained effort in marketing Merchiston to the full, coupled with further significant facility improvements, allowed the school to grow to around 450 pupils during Andrew Hunter’s time as Headmaster. When Andrew Hunter retired in 2018 he left a school whose name was much better known beyond the boundary of Edinburgh and its environs than perhaps it had ever been before. Such was the success of Pringle that the House was extended in 1969, and the sanatorium relocated to the former Room 8 in the Main Building. He now … Mr Bush resigned in the summer of 1968, and Mr Mervyn Preston stood in as acting headmaster until the Governors appointed Mr Donald Forbes in 1969. In order to promote an active ‘library culture’, the former Music Auditorium was completely reworked to form the Spawforth Library, opened in 2000 with a permanent librarian. As we hurtle towards our 200th anniversary, there’s plenty to celebrate and look forward to. 'A balanced curriculum, excellent pastoral care and a high A Level pass rate make Merchiston one of the UK’s leading independent schools’ –…. The hard work of Cecil Evans (Headmaster from 1936-1957) saw the school through the difficult years of the Second World War, during which a further 81 Merchiston staff and former pupils gave their life defending the free world against Nazism. In May 1878 the new cricket square there was inaugurated by a match between a Scottish and an English XI. Zoom & Print. It has around 470 pupils and is open to boys between the ages of 7 and 18 as either boarders or day pupils; it was modelled after English public schools. The governors decided to purchase 90 acres of g… A perusal of Merchistonian Magazines of the times shows Rogerson as a kindly, understanding and engaging personality who expected each boy to do his best in work or in play. Charity Number SC016580 | Privacy Policy | Legal, All You Need to know about Boarding (FAQs). Dominating the school was the Memorial Hall, whose striking oak interior and large organ provided a backdrop not only for Sunday services but also for morning and evening assemblies, for Prep, for examinations, concerts, plays and prize-givings. The post-war years saw a flourishing in the Arts as well, with very professionally-produced School Plays becoming established. The Directors were able to secure the purchase of the Colinton House estate, and a new era in Merchiston’s history was about to unfold. During the same period, year-on-year academic results saw Merchiston’s A Level top grade pass rates soar. Funds were collected by donation, but Edinburgh city planners felt that the Merchiston site would be too crowded so permission to build was not granted: the governing body of the School made plans to move to a new site in Colinton. This enables an increasingly accurate forecasting of a pupils potential performance in academic subjects, which in turn aids subject choices in the Sixth Form. On his acceptance of his headship of Merchiston, Mr Anderson commented, “I am immensely honoured to be appointed as the next Headmaster of Merchiston Castle School and relish the opportunity to build on the excellent work of Mr Hunter in leading the School in the next exciting phase of its development. He kept up a keen interest in the school until his death in 1903. The analysis of pupil performance against national standards has increased, with Merchiston using the ALIS and MidYIS systems for the middle and upper school pupils, and the InCAS system for juniors. However, the court did not proceed to a conviction, but dealt with the matter in terms of section 246 (3) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 by way of an absolute discharge. 1983 saw not only the 125th anniversary of the annual rugby match against The Edinburgh Academy, but also the 150th anniversary of the school’s foundation. Merchiston is the only remaining all-boys’ boarding and day school in Scotland. Although the war did not directly impinge on life at Merchiston, several of the current teaching staff had volunteered their military service early in the conflict. Finally, an Art and Craft Centre was constructed between Gibson House and The Dell. This was carried through by the introduction of official Heads of Department positions, and a Director of Studies appointed alongside the Second Master. Notable successes occurred in rugby, cricket and shooting during this period. At the same time, the constitution of the school was changed, the old Merchiston Castle School Company was wound up and replaced by a new one limited by guarantee and with no share capital. Dr John Johnston Rogerson, headmaster from 1863-1898 and owner from 1863-1896 when it became a public school rather than privately-owned in 1896. Merchiston is the only boys’ independent boarding and day school in Scotland offering the English curriculum, and has a global, outward-looking dimension. Progress on the new buildings went so well that boys were admitted to the new boarding houses – names Chalmers East and west, and Rogerson East and West after two of the significant former Headmasters – in October 1930. Its 126 en-suite bedrooms, mini-kitchens, extensive day rooms and a basement weight-training room are a far cry from accommodation in the Merchiston of the 19th and 20th centuries! The lands surrounding the castle were acquired before 1438 by Alexander Napier (1st Laird of Merchiston), and remained in the Napier family for most of the following five centuries. Charles Chalmers – younger brother of Dr Thomas Chalmers, moral philosopher, theologian and Leading light in the Disruption of the Church in Scotland in 1843 – started a small school in 1828, then moved to larger premises in 1833 at Merchiston Tower from where the school name is derived. Overcrowding in Pringle was alleviated with a larger day room, hobbies rooms and better shower and toilet facilities, as well as more dormitory space: these new facilities were opened in May 1990. The history section needs expansion. Merchiston Castle School is an independent boarding school for boys in the suburb of Colinton in Edinburgh, Scotland. Downloads Club Links Useful Links. No formal celebrations were held for the opening of the new school as the centenary of the school’s foundation was so close. Expeditions, sports tours and foreign visits – introduced during the headmastership of Mr Bush – proliferated during the 1970s. Electric lights were installed at the turn of the century, accommodation was extended, the old cold water ‘plunge bath’ was replaced by individual baths with hot and cold running water, the assembly Hall enlarged and a new Physics House built between the Chemistry House and the Grant Museum. The building of the Napier and Ure Rooms in the Chalmers and Rogerson courtyards in 1968 gave useful additional recreational space, and the construction of the Dowden wing of Rogerson in 1969 accommodated more senior boys in study rooms. After listening to a recital in the Memorial Hall, Her Majesty visited many exhibitions and displays around the school, and planted a commemorative tree as her mother had done 50 years previously. In 2003 the new Pringle Centre was opened, providing separate teaching accommodation and changing rooms for the junior boys. We look forward to sharing our plans in due course, A boarding and day school for boys aged 7-18, © 2019 Merchiston. Merchiston Preparatory School has a long and proud history, having been established in 1892, we continue to cement our stellar reputation as a leading all-boys preparatory school with each passing year. In 1998 Hunter decided to appoint an ‘Academic Management Team’ (nowadays the Academic Leadership Team) to support the Director of Studies. The old house was extended to the west for a gymnasium. In terms of new facilities, four stand out in the years of Andrew Hunter’s headmastership, all supported by significant fundraising campaigns. Two years later Rogerson, his end achieved, retired from active teaching. Firstly, the construction of the Robertson Building – named after the Merchistonian and long-serving Chairman of the Board of Governors, the Hon. Evening Prep was moved from the Memorial Hall to Napier, Ure or day rooms in the boarding houses. Senior students study for the IGCSE and A-levels. On 28 June, Her Majesty the Queen visited the school. We have always been pleased to welcome families and their sons to Merchiston from Primary 4 and we look forward to this continuing in the future. In 1948 new War Memorial tablets with the 81 names of the Merchistonian Fallen in the Second World War were unveiled outside the Memorial Hall. A boy entering at J4 will spend ten years at the school, allowing much time to develop talents and interests to the full. Back Field was levelled to create a grassed athletics track and arena. Fury as identity of teacher who had sex with pupils at posh Edinburgh boarding school is kept secret. Lord Robertson, and opened in 1998 – created purpose-built accommodation for Electronics and IT/Computing, as well as an auditorium and various music practice rooms for the Music Department. Merchiston Castle School was delighted to welcome the Leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist party, Ruth Davidson, to the School yesterday. The 96-acre site was levelled to provide suitable sports pitches, with boys brought out to Colinton several afternoons a week up to 1927 to clear the biggest stones by hand (over 200 tons of them!) Merchiston is the only boys’ independent boarding and day school in Scotland offering the English curriculum, and has a global, outward-looking dimension. Became too small to accommodate the school started from humble beginnings, merchiston castle school history at Park place a. It was Stagg who introduced the variation in the summer of 1914 studies appointed alongside Second... He was not convicted of the spring term 1981 merchiston castle school history the most recent being W.G.Neilson in.. Up a keen interest in the west for a gymnasium ornate carvings of dragons and astronomical suggest. 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