You can then file your application. If you do not have a relative who is an EU/EEA or Swiss national and you want to join your family member in the Netherlands, you’ll need to fulfill certain specific conditions to be allowed to live there. Note: A certificate of no impediment to marriage is issued after a notice of marriage has been displayed at your Consulate General for 21 days and if no objection has been made about the proposed marriage. For more information on how to legalize or translate your documents, read how to prepare supporting documents for Dutch permit applications. Find out how you can extend your Dutch visa. Different processes apply depending on whether you and your family member are from the EU or outside the EU. You are both aged 21 or over. You must apply in person at your local IND office. Even if you are not an EU/EEA or Swiss national yourself, you have the right to apply for a residence permit to come and live in the Netherlands with a family member who has EU/EEA or Swiss citizenship. Your certificate will give you the same rights as your relative with EU/EEA/Swiss nationality. Postbus 287 Read more about Dutch work permits. proof of your relationship with the relative who is the EU/EEA/Swiss citizen (e.g., a marriage or partnership certificate, a tenancy agreement to prove you have lived with your partner for at least six months before applying, or a declaration from a recognized authority regarding your relationship), proof of your relative’s lawful residence in the Netherlands (e.g., EU registration), proof that your relative has sufficient funds to cover your stay – see the income requirements, proof that you are registered in the Dutch municipal personal records database (BRP). I just got an non immigrant 90day o visa I’m married to a Thai got visa in London UK , you need copy wife’s Thai passport , copy of card , copy marriage certificate that’s in Thai, but also gave an translated copy, plus copy wife’s, house details book, and 3 months of my bank statements showing earn £1400 a month or more got visa next day all done in person cost £50 An application may be filed under EU law if the sponsoring partner is a citizen of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland living in the Netherlands. Same-sex marriage in the Netherlands has been legal since 1 April 2001. It can take the IND 90 days to process your application. In the Netherlands, marriage or registered partnership is not a requirement for couples applying for an EU residence permit. here about applying for a residence permit, as well as information about living Before applying for a family reunification MVV (visa) applicants need to have completed the Basisexamen Inburgering in het Buitenland (Basic Integration Exam) in their country of residence, overseas. As a rule, family members receive the same work authorization as their sponsoring relative. If you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland and want to travel to the Netherlands to join a member of your family, you do not need a Dutch residence permit/Netherlands family visa. If you have a family member living in the Netherlands, find out if you’re eligible to join them with a partner visa. Certain matters relating to marriage are regulated by law. Certain conditions apply, which are listed below. Find out everything here about applying for a residence permit, as well as information about living in the Netherlands with a … My relative is from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, My relative is not from the the EU/EEA or Switzerland, moving to the Netherlands from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, prepare supporting documents for Dutch visa applications, Dutch provisional residence permits (MVV), prepare supporting documents for Dutch permit applications. Online. There may be additional administrative fees payable to the Dutch embassy or consulate handling your application, for the civic integration exam, and for legalizing documents. Getting married in the Netherlands with a foreigner Dutch Citizen Abroad: link :updated : 13-6-2011 Consular services › Dutch citizens abroad › Marriage, birth and adoption abroad Which Dutch citizens are allowed to get married with a foreign partner in the Netherlands? This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Legalisation confirms that a document was issued by someone with the authority to issue it and that the signatures it bears are genuine. every marriage certificate for spouse joining their partners in nigeria must be legalised at the netherlands ministry of foreign affairs (if marriage is conducted in the netherlands). If you are applying for a residence permit yourself, you can download the form here. In order to marry in the Netherlands, at least one of the partners must be Dutch or resident in the Netherlands. Basic Integration Exam. If you have a partner, spouse, or relative who is residing in the Netherlands – either from the European Union (EU) or a third national country (non-EU) – you can typically apply for a Dutch residence permit to join them. Both the marriage certificate and the unmarried certificate require a legalisation stamp (Consular Legalisation) or Apostil. Where the fiancee is from etc. Registration as an EU citizen. It currently costs €50 to apply, and if your application is refused, you won’t get a refund. You can also read our guide to Dutch residence permits to find out if you’re eligible to apply for a new residence permit with a different purpose of stay. Shopping. If you are moving to the Netherlands from the EU/EEA or Switzerland yourself, you do not need any permit but a different procedure applies. You can of course change your mind and withdraw your consent at any time, by returning to this site after clearing the cookies on your computer or device. Your partner needs a residence permit. You would like your partner to come and live with you in Same sex marriage became legal in the Netherlands on April 1 st, 2001 It has been possible for two people of the same (or the opposite) sex to enter into a registered partnership since 1998 A registered partnership is an arrangement similar to marriage, but different from a cohabitation agreement. Netherlands Visa application documents and requirements for UK residents. For example, the minimum age for marriage in the Netherlands is 18 years. The fee is to process your application, so you won’t get a refund if your application is rejected. Therefore, if your spouse/registered partner is allowed to work on the basis of a work permit, then you will also require a Dutch work permit. Your marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, Round-trip Flight Itinerary. There is an exception in the law for women who are over 16 years of age and pregnant. Shortly before it expires, the IND will inform you that you can apply for an extension (find out how you can extend your Dutch permit). Any foreign documents must be authenticated or legalized by authorities in your originating country and be in Dutch, English, French, or German. Who can work and what happens if your circumstances change? If you want to visit the Netherlands for pleasure or for a holiday, you may need to apply for a Netherlands Tourist Visa. the Netherlands. Marriages are solemnised by the Registrar of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Registered Partnerships. Proceed to the second part of this article to learn how you can qualify for a Dutch family reunification residence permit. Failure to do so could lead to penalties for you or your relative. However, for international students, visa applications need to be made. A bill for the legalisation of same-sex marriage was passed in the House of Representatives by 109 votes to 33 on 12 September 2000 and by the Senate by 49 votes to 26 on 19 December 2000. You have a legalised marriage certificate, birth certificate(s) or a certificate of no-marriage. Your permit will be valid for the same time period as the relative/spouse you are joining, up to a maximum of five years, and can be extended. A Dutch national may also take advantage of EU regulations if he or she has previously asserted rights as an EU citizen. 7600 AG ALMELO. Find out everything After five continuous years of residence, you may be eligible to apply for Dutch permanent residence or Dutch citizenship. Your partner needs a residence permit. A Dutch short-stay Tourist visa allows the holder to stay in the Netherlands or anywhere else in the Schengen-area for up to 90 days within a six-month period. ** You do not need a residence permit if you are a national of a member state of the European Union (EU) or of the European Economic Area (EEA). Your date of departure and flight details and airport you are leaving Netherlands. Fees are reviewed bi-yearly, so check the latest fees here. The marriage certificate may be in a different language, but must be translated into Dutch, English, French or German in order to register it. See the latest fees here. Dutch Visa For The Wife/Husband of a Dutch citizen: Proof of Dutch citizenship (ID card or consular card or certification of Dutch nationality or naturalization order) Dutch marriage certificate; Dutch family record book; Dutch Airport Transit Visa: Visa or … However, the application process and the conditions to qualify will depend on your nationality and the nationality of your family member living in the Netherlands. Submitting the application can be done in 2 ways: Your partner applies to the IND in the Netherlands. Partner visas for the Netherlands: a guide to family reunification. You may be allowed to continue living in the Netherlands even if your circumstances change. See the latest income requirements, the biological or legal child of your parent(s) and have a parental relationship with them, going to live with your parent(s), who must have sufficient means to support you for 12 months, copies of the identification pages of your spouse/partner/parent’s passport or ID card, copies of your spouse/partner/parent’s residence permit, proof of your spouse/partner/parent’s income (e.g., employment contract), copy of your marriage/partnership certificate, or signed declaration of your unmarried status if you are not married or in a registered partnership, or your birth certificate if joining your parent(s), a sponsor’s declaration – for example, a letter confirming your relationship. You can work without any restrictions in any sector without a work permit. in the Netherlands with a residence permit. Application costs depend on nationality, but in nearly all cases the fee will be €233 for a spouse/partner and €50 for each dependant child, although prices are adjusted annually. Your partner needs a residence permit. This is a document that demonstrates that you are allowed to live in the Netherlands legally and that you can work without restriction in any sector, without the need for an employer to hold a work permit in your name. You will be issued with a certificate valid for five years. Thai Marriage Visa requirements 2021 are different from other Non-Immigrant Visa, although the process for Marriage Visa is quite easy but you must ensure that all the documents are secured and you are qualified according to the Immigration Office. You have to complete the form called Application for Verification against EU Law (certificate of lawful residence). The IND can take up to six months to make their decision. If this is not th… You and your spouse/partner must be 21 years or over (there is an exception for Turkish nationals). if marriage document is issued outside the netherlands, it should be legalised by the appropriate authorities/embassy of the … The exam tests your knowledge of Dutch language and culture and comprises three tests: knowledge of Dutch society, speaking skills, and reading skills. You are married to, or are the (registered) partner, of someone in the Netherlands who holds the status of a highly skilled migrant or a researcher under the EU directive 2005/71/EC. The visa process in the Netherlands is different for EU students and international students. If you are over 18, you cannot come to the Netherlands for the purpose of staying with your parent but must have another basis of stay, for example, you have a job, want to work as an au pair, or are enrolled in study. Expatica uses technology such as cookies and scripts to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. You do not need a Marriage Visitor visa to convert your civil partnership into a marriage - you can apply for a Standard Visitor visa. In principle, if you are required to obtain an MVV (Dutch entry permit) and if you are older than 18, you are required to take the exam. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Living in the Netherlands as an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen, Register with IND as a EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, Family member without EU/EEA or Swiss nationality, Staying in the Netherlands when no longer with EU family member, Permit damaged, lost, stolen or change of personal details, Permit damaged, lost, stolen or change details, Permit damaged, lost, stolen or change personal details, Apply for review of decision on Schengen visa or transit visa, Extension of Schengen visa or visa-exempt period, Foreign-Nationals-Identity-Document-(Type-W-and-W2), Dutch citizen by birth or acknowledgement, Becoming a Dutch citizen abroad or Caribbean part of the Kingdom, Loss and the revoking of Dutch nationality. Make an appointment by calling the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) at 088 0430 430 from within the Netherlands or +31 88 0430 430 from abroad. For information about legalizing documents and translation, read how to prepare supporting documents for Dutch visa applications. You can be exempt if your sponsoring family member is in the Netherlands for the purpose of employment, alongside a number of other exemptions. Dutch law only acknowledges civil marriages, performed by a registrar of marriages (ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand) Available in … You are eligible to apply for verification against EU law and the certificate of lawful residence if you are the spouse, (registered or unregistered) partner, child under 21, parent or grandparent of an EU/EEA/Swiss citizen who has lawful residence in the Netherlands. If your spouse/registered partner holds a temporary permit with non-temporary purpose of stay, he or she must have been in the Netherlands for at least one year (this doesn’t apply if the permit is for an employee, entrepreneur, highly skilled migrant, study or scientific researcher). The law in the Netherlands imposes various requirements to be allowed to marry and to register the marriage with the appropriate authorities. Instead, you must apply for a residence permit. If you want to stay with your family member for longer than 90 days, however, you will have to register with the Dutch authorities. Your partner lives abroad. For IND addresses, click here. The IND’s twitter account @IND_NL is also open for general queries between Monday to Friday 9am–5pm. THE MVV VISA AND VVR Netherlands VISA. To get married in the Netherlands, at least one partner must be Dutch or a resident of the Netherlands. Read about Dutch provisional residence permits (MVV) to find out if you need an MVV for entering the Netherlands, or if you only need to submit an application for a Dutch residence permit. Legal requirements for marriage in the Netherlands. You can download the form here. The exception to this is if you have already lived with that person while they were living in another EU/EEA country or Switzerland, and they are now back in the Netherlands. It is commonly known that EU citizens can live and work freely in other member states; they don’t need a residence card or work permit. Watch later. If your family member is a highly skilled migrant and is free on the labor market, you can work without limitation and without a work permit, too. If you came to the Netherlands to be with your partner or spouse but you no longer live with them, you will have to apply for a new residence permit if you want to stay in the country. There is an exception if your family member is working in the Netherlands as a highly-skilled migrant. You should contact the IND about your individual situation; you can call 088 0430 430 from within the Netherlands or +31 88 0430 430 from abroad. For queries or to make an appointment, you can contact the IND by phone Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm on 088 0430 430 from within the Netherlands or +31 88 0430 430 from abroad. Click below to consent to the use of this technology on our website – and don’t worry, we respect your privacy. This must be a sworn translation. For your appointment, you should prepare the following documents: Foreign documents must be legalized (authenticated) and in Dutch, English, French or German. It is issued in Dutch. If you’re applying for an MVV/residence permit through the TEV procedure, then you need to apply to your Dutch embassy or consulate in your own country. If neither you nor your family member is fr… Thailand Marriage Visa for citizens of Netherlands is issued to applicants who are married to Thai nationals and wish to visit and live with their Thai spouse in Thailand. Some documents need to be signed by several different authorities in order to be legalised. If you need both permits, you or your relative (your sponsor in the Netherlands) can apply for them in one application process, known as the Entry and Residence Procedure (TEV). You must live together as soon as you arrive in the Netherlands, run a joint household, and be registered at the same address at the Municipal personal records database (BRP). Requirements for Dutch citizenship may be obtained from the city hall of one’s (prospective) residence in the Netherlands (Afdeling Nationaliteit). By the same token, a foreign document legalised in its country of issue is legally valid in the Netherlands. Thailand marriage visa is the popular term for "1-Year Extension of Stay Based on Marriage". Find out everything This is a long term Thai visa issued to a foreign national who is married to a Thai and meets the other requirements of the immigration bureau. You would like your partner to come and live with you in the Netherlands. Currently, there is a monthly minimum threshold of €1,646.57 for a couple, but amounts are reviewed bi-yearly. Your Which cookies and scripts are used and how they impact your visit is specified on the left. If your family member is a Dutch national, in most cases the EU verification procedure will not be available to you, even though the Netherlands is a member of the EU. After five continuous years of residence, however, you may be eligible to apply for Dutch permanent residence or Dutch citizenship. Residence permit for your partner. Tap to unmute. If you only need to apply for a residence permit, then a sponsor (such as your family member in the Netherlands) can apply to the IND on your behalf while you’re still in your home country, or you can wait until you arrive in the Netherlands and make an appointment at your regional IND desk. Comments: Available for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples (same-sex marriage was legalized in the Netherlands on April 1, 2001). If you are the spouse, partner or close relative of a national from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA – the EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) or Switzerland, you are eligible to apply for a residence certificate that allows you to live and work in the Netherlands on the basis of EU law. Without any restrictions in any sector without a work permit Netherlandsn visa application centre may keep your and! Signatures it bears are genuine highly-skilled migrant impact your visit is specified on the.! May be allowed to marry and to register the marriage must be reported to use. Lawful residence ) as well as information about living in the Netherlands to make their decision to family reunification the. And what happens if your sponsor is applying on your behalf, the minimum age for marriage the. And opposite-sex couples ( same-sex marriage in the Netherlands does not automatically confer Dutch citizenship upon an individual a marriage... 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