
iceland current events

After a year of subdued growth in 2019, following the failure of one of Iceland's biggest air carriers, 2020 is likely to bring a severe contraction as the novel coronavirus significantly depresses tourism, one of Iceland's largest industries. Iceland’s Chief Epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason is calling on the country’s government to clarify the legal framework for requiring travellers to quarantine in designated government-run facilities. Air travel in the region was halted for several days, causing the cancellation of several thousand flights and … ... Because of the forecast that came from the British aviation authority, all local and international flights from and to Iceland have been grounded today. COVID-19 Information – ICELAND Last updated: 04/07/2021 *** Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. Iceland’s borders are currently only open to residents of the Schengen Area, EEA, EFTA, and EU.     The banks' collapse sent foreign investors out of Iceland. This article will be updated as measures are changed. However, we expect the coalition to struggle to last a full term to 2021. Settled by Norsemen from Scandinavia and Celts from the British isles settled in the 9 th and 10 th centuries, Icelandic history has always been shaped by events on the larger politicla stage of the Nordic Countries. Kaupthing Bank, Landsbanki, and Glitnir Bank had defaulted on $62 billion of foreign debt, according to Thomson Reuters data. Jelena Ćirić April 6, 2021 . Iceland's Financial Crisis and Its Causes . Read more . Travelling to Iceland. One of Iceland’s oldest political parties, the Independence Party was founded in its current form in 1929 and has regularly been Iceland’s most popular party. "Most important, the Icelandic public is used to dealing calmly with many different types of natural events related to the weather or geology." Use this timeline to learn more about the history of Iceland. The Keflavik airport closed this morning at 09:30am. The current domestic COVID-19 regulations will be in effect until April 15. In October 2008, Iceland nationalized its three largest banks. From the Guardian archive Britain and Iceland cod war escalates – archive, 1976 Published: 8 Jan 2021 Britain and Iceland cod war escalates – archive, 1976 Current Events. Iceland Eruption News: Ash Cloud Forecast. The event produced minimal seismic activity, but an explosion on April 14 resulted in a volcanic ash plume in the atmosphere over northern and central Europe. The history of Iceland is one of survival and prosperity. ... Events in Reykjavík . Ask IR. Nearly constant earthquakes have plagued the main population center of Iceland in recent days, and officials warn this could be a sign of an imminent volcanic eruption. The official tourism website for Iceland, Inspired by Iceland, Visit Iceland, Iceland, Iceland tourism, come and be inspired by iceland

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