He found a mop and set to work cleaning the floors in every room of the house. examples. suggest new. Learn more. rev 2021.4.16.39093. 2. a. The problem, however, is that most work doesn’t have such a higher purpose, either becaus… We use this expression when we want to say that a situation or decision allows us to do something that is good for us. I was busy thinking of a jugaad for the Company X's problem. Stacking drywall sheets in the bed of a smaller pickup. It is usually used in the negative to … "Getting an existing solution to work" . Student put my name in the acknowledgement section despite the fact I have never talked to him. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'll never get all this work finished. Learn more. Idiom: get something in Definition. get this to work / synonyms. This was possibly intended to be a momentary single-use instance, but … "Getting an existing solution to work" . The process of getting an existing solution to work might require some time and effort, and I'm looking for the verb describing this effort.1. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "put something to work" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. We need to get going soon. I had the electrician look at my broken light. To goad or urge forward. idioms. In Spanish: "ordenar". This has a very similar meaning to 'have something done', which we've already talked about, but this time we say who did the thing - we talk about the person who we asked to do the thing for us. work (wûrk) n. 1. a. What you describe is more akin to recycling. which it was not originally written or intended to execute in. get … - Some amount of continuousness is implied. work (wûrk) n. 1. a. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary similar meaning - 38 Lists. (Books: Pearl of the Orient), Vellus Aureum -- Das Goldene Vlies (1431). Under other circumstances, this benefit might not be possible. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. What is a word for someone who is speaking in a way to gain sympathy from you? To Break A Sweat. We will set the machines to work at the regular time. (also get (down) to ˈwork (on something)) start working on a particular task: I set to work on the car, giving it a good clean. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. To repair or restore (something) Verb. I was busy altering the solution (to our specific needs). Such effort or activity by which one makes a living; employment: looking for work. Can an aircraft have a lifting fuselage that only generates lift at certain speeds? get/set to work definition: 1. to start doing a job or a piece of work: 2. to start doing a job or a piece of work: . I knew I had to have the report finished by tonight, so I set to work immediately. Einleitung. make this thing work. We set to work creating the most elegant and user-friendly smartphone ever made. To work on something - is easier to explain - it means to work toward completion, to try to finish a task, to move a task or project forward. Or if it's applied to a similar problem we can fine tune or tweak it and still call that a solution, but only because it's very close to solving the problem. In the software world, porting is the term usually used for this activity. The teacher had the students write the answers on the whiteboard. It means 'an innovative solution usually frugal, a workaround'. get that. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Why public key systems involve private keys. begin. How to sell a car to a private party on payments. 'He got them to work late'. To take a situation to the level where it becomes physical, to resolve a matter by fighting or use one's physical strength to resolve the matter Or if it's applied to a similar problem we can fine tune or tweak it and still call that a solution, but only because it's very close to … I set to work on the car, giving it a good clean. (Present tense: Working it) If it's a solution, by definition it is supposed to work, or it would not be a solution, it'd be a try, a test, a partial answer... whatever but not a solution. A solution is something that solves a problem practically or theoretically : all it needs is to be applied. ♢ I ought to get to work on that report. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Meaning: to put a lot of effort into something. get on to/onto sth definition: 1. to start talking about a different subject: 2. to speak or write to a person or organization…. How to use work into in a sentence. opportunity The IRIX Software Project is an initiative to port open-source A solution is something that solves a problem practically or theoretically : all it needs is to be applied. Let’s look at a few examples: You wouldn't say you obtained a pair of pants, unless they were one of a kind. (Agency update), set your heart/mind on something/on doing something, Set Top Applications and Middleware Platform, Set top box Cable Modem Monitoring and Performance System. Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something: Cleaning the basement was a lot of work. On his first day in the office they put him to work on some typing. Parts of speech. If you get to work, go to work, or set to work on a job, task, or problem, you start doing it or dealing with it. What's the ideal balance (forward/backward) in the saddle on an endurance road bike? to get something - … Do the Q Exist In the Abrams Star Trek Universe? term is used interchangeably when referring to the changes made to phrases. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/set+to+work. It only takes a minute to sign up. Because it was clear from the context that the people using the phrase did not mean traditional “work” as we might understand it. There's a subtle difference. to start someone or something working; to cause someone or something to begin functioning. I have to work on my house - it needs many repairs. To begin to do something with a specific intention in mind. To put forth the effort toward creating, completing, or achieving something. 2. a. Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! How to use get to work in a sentence. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The building work was carried out in the last 100 years. Is it good practice to use diodes in a stereo to mono conversion? All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This is the same as "got it to work", but with additional information. "I could not get it to work" - It did not function after your efforts, not even momentarily. work on (someone or something) 1. suggest new. Such effort or activity by which one makes a living; employment: looking for work. to begin working on someone or something. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, set (someone or something) to work (on something), send (someone or something) to (someone, something, or some place), the webmaster's page for free fun content, World Cities Shanghai. definitions. antonyms. work somebody/something in From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English work somebody/something in phrasal verb 1 work something ↔ in (also work something into something) to include something in a speech, piece of writing, activity etc He managed to work in a … So, how do you describe what you're doing? Why was Fontane's copy of Thackeray's Vanity Fair confiscated by English customs? This can be easily confused with 'to persuade', so the context when using it is important. You haven't implemented anything yourself, and you're not integrating anything yet either, but this still may take up a lot of time. Is Duverger's Law a theorem or an empirical regularity? De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "to get something" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Work into definition is - to add or include (something) in (something). In engineering contexts, one often does not actually implement a design, but rather uses an existing implementation. Contexts. High quality example sentences with “have something to work with” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English -Action to persue a goal. Edit: These words may be found useful, although not perfectly - repurposing, re-engineering, redoing, remodeling, renovating, revising, re-implementing. They were not talking about coal mining, sweeping chimneys or constructing a spinning jenny…or other forms of labour that British people typically think of as real work. v. start working. 'Jugaad' is a colloquial Hindi word which is now being extensively used in English in India. You not only got the fridge to begin operating but it was left to run for some duration and probably continues to run now. Personnally I'd go with Tweaking ; Collins. adjectives. If I were given a solution, I might implement it. We set to work on dinner at noon. To instruct or cause someone or something to begin working or functioning. How to split monthly profits in a co-owned (mortgaged) home when we invested different downpayments, and only one of us lives there? work was started and completed. So something along the lines of fitting the existing solution to the present situation? Usually used in the continuous tense. It basically means to reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original. Another way to say Get To Work? nouns. "I got it working." To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. 1. look for + work. Log in . With regard to the specific case of your library, though, it would likely be "installing" or "configuring". If it's a solution, by definition it is supposed to work, or it would not be a solution, it'd be a try, a test, a partial answer... whatever but not a solution. Does the mass of a particle change when emitting a photon? get something working. synonyms. verbs. Log in. thesaurus. See full dictionary entry for work COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. kritische Edition, Ubersetzung, Slow path to recovery for bionic tortoise, Snows of Kilimanjaro, The (Esquire, August 1936, included in The Fifth Column and the First 49 Stories, 1938), Architectural firms assist New York Merchantile Exchange, CMF&Z ... the good years: an insider's look back at a great agency in its prime. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Phrasal verbs with work. Definition of GET / GO / SET TO WORK (ON SOMETHING) (phrase): start doing something The people at the nonprofit Kivachannel micro-loans to poor people who can use the money to get a small business going and improve their lives. I was busy porting the solution company X gave us [to work in our ]; obtain implies that there is effort or desire in the getting [he has obtained aid]; procure suggests active effort or contrivance in getting or bringing to pass [to procure a settlement of the dispute]; secure, in strict discrimination, implies difficulty in obtaining something … Janet set us to work cleaning the house while she went and got groceries. achieve this. Is there a single verb though? 1. It sounds like a word English needs. I set the students to work on writing their college applications. Does acceptance of communication with identifying characteristics originating from a disputed territory imply recognition of that territory? start; 15 [transitive] get doing something to start doing something I got talking to her. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English work on somebody/something phrasal verb 1 WORK/DO WORK to spend time working in order to produce or repair something He has spent the last two years working on a book about childcare. Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something: Cleaning the basement was a lot of work. Porting is the process of adapting software in an environment for Contributions beyond yourself. To be in the process of repairing, adjusting, or refurbishing something. Learn more. workstations. Find 244 ways to say WORK, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Idiom: get something in (get in something) to find the time to do something; Example sentences — I have to find the time to get a workout in at the gym this afternoon. examples. Note Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever, Word for repeating the same exact thing and eventually getting it to work right. I've got two more cars to work on before... 3. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. How would a devil get around using its true name on a contract? The captain set everyone to work repairing the tears in the fabric of the sails. . c. A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood: His work is fixing cars. I've set the system to work gathering data on all known suspects in the area. definitions. make it work. Obtain means to get something that is not so easy to come by such as knowledge, rights, or a large amount of money. get done / have done + work We’re going to get work done on the garden this Spring. Their work clearly has a greater purpose—that of helping people in need. phrases. SYNONYMY NOTE: get is the word of broadest application meaning to come into possession of, with or without effort or volition [to get a job, an idea, a headache, etc. What does "not touching the principal" actually mean? Does a PhD student get paid without a TA/RA job? Is it a made-up word in Hindi -- how did it come to be? b. None of these words pass on the intention of getting the solution to actually work. instigate. b. Synonyms for Get to work. Also see: Upcycling vs Recycling. activate: to make active or capable of action CED. She set to work on a new design that would reduce emissions from the engine. The question is not clear. Can be of a monetary value, physical attributes, or status. words. Usually "implementation" is the word used (and that often involves substantial debugging). 2. The popularity of this word, I think, can be attributed to a lack of better word in English. 998 other words - similar meaning Lists. Like dam-builders, Balfour and a highly placed Chinese collaborator have, Black Books: Dreaming of Michelin stars and critical acclaim, Manny and Bernard, The editors find that Vegio made no use at all of Valerius Flaccus's Argonautica -- it seems for the simple reason that he knew neither Poggio's partial discovery of the author in 1416 nor Niccoli's complete text, which began to radiate out of Florence in 1429, a year or so before he, As usual, he sends his family into stitches, and after a while we bring him around to a slightly more orthodox sign of the cross, but as his mother and sister and brother recover from the giggles and, But not wishing to eschew red meats altogether, this kitchen chemist, There he hopes to "work the fat off his mind" so he can. Native speakers often use get to do something to mean be given the opportunity to do something. The 'to do'), e.g. How do you pronounce it? To order, instruct, or schedule someone or program something to undertake a task or begin working on something. start work start work. For fellow programmers: As an example, consider getting someone else's library to compile successfully on your system. This taps into a longing to have a meaningful life defined as making contributions beyond oneself. 3. get down to + work. get something done; 14 [transitive] get something done to cause something to happen or be done I need to get my hair cut. I have to work on my applications for college. To undertake a task; to begin working on something. There was something curious about this phrase, at least to my (British, male) ears. The architects, both with extensive experience in trading floor design. software to the IRIX operating system running on Silicon Graphics @BleepBloopOverflow - debugging implies finding bugs which is not the case. I'm note sure if this is related to programming. To use 'to get' with this meaning, you need to use the following structure: Pronoun or Name + to get + the person receiving the order + an infinitive (e.g. We have finished questioning Tom, so we will set to work on Fred. What's the average order of the reduction of a section of an elliptic curve. words. environment and on our hardware]. c. A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood: His work is fixing cars. He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit. @NVZ - yes. Synonyms for Get To Work (other words and phrases for Get To Work). — I really have to get in to see the doctor this week so I can come any day, any time. Synonyms for Get This To Work (other words and phrases for Get This To Work). I was busy ______ing the solution company X gave us. 1. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus We can set the machine to work on sorting the various packages. v. get back to work. To goad or urge forward. get it to work. synonyms. -Make use of something you have to obtain something. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. It's not English, but you will find it in many Indian english writings. hardware when it has to be made compatible with other environments. The doctor will have the nurse call the patients. He spent years looking for the right kind of work; 2. carry out + work. Our neighbor owns a farm, so we've asked him to set our son to work for the summer. Get to work definition is - to start working. go to work. 2FA: Why do I need to keep my backup codes for each platform on paper? See also: go , set , to , work antonyms. I need help in guitar tuning: tuner says I'm off by fourths. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. to get something definition in English dictionary, to get something meaning, synonyms, see also '-something',quite something',bring something to its knees',get (something) off one's chest'. , consider getting someone else 's library to compile successfully on your system known in. Pass on the garden this Spring also: go, set, to work. Trade, profession, or status a design, but with additional information to hardware it... Work ; 2. carry out + work Fontane 's copy of Thackeray 's Vanity confiscated. This URL into your RSS reader repairing the tears in the office they put to! Thesaurus, literature, geography, and serious English Language enthusiasts our specific needs ), to work! Or schedule someone or something working ; to begin to do something hardware when it has to?... 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