
alfred the last kingdom

[38], In 876, under their three leaders Guthrum, Oscetel and Anwend, the Danes slipped past the Saxon army and attacked and occupied Wareham in Dorset. Brother Trew informs Alfred that their land is ruled by Danes and that they are in need of a Christian savior — Guthred. He surmises it as all kingdoms united … The priest will fetch men because without men, passage to the south would be impossible. Æthelwold claims that he went to spy on the Danes. ("Episode 1.7"), Alfred, Ælswith, Æthelwold, Young Odda, Brother Asser, and Father Beocca watch as Uhtred and Leofric fight to the death. He was given the epithet "the Great" in the 16th century. ("Episode 1.7"), Iseult brings Alfred over another tonic. Later in his reign, the North Welsh followed their example and the latter cooperated with the English in the campaign of 893 (or 894). Although The Last Kingdom starts later in time relative to Vikings, the two series overlap at the reign of King Alfred the Great. Alfred demands the name of the priest or he will send for the girl. Uhtred now speaks, explaining that the only time he was in Cynuit was to kill Ubba. [104], About a fifth of the law code is taken up by Alfred's introduction which includes translations into English of the Ten Commandments, a few chapters from the Book of Exodus, and the Apostolic Letter from the Acts of the Apostles (15:23–29). Alfred lights candles in an attempt to measure the passing of time. She wants Uhtred sentenced to death. Uhtred tells Iseult to go prepare and reminds Alfred that they only have one chance. [12][c] Their children were Æthelflæd, who married Æthelred, Lord of the Mercians; Edward the Elder, Alfred's successor as king; Æthelgifu, abbess of Shaftesbury; Ælfthryth, who married Baldwin, count of Flanders; and Æthelweard. [42], In the seventh week after Easter (4–10 May 878), around Whitsuntide, Alfred rode to Egbert's Stone east of Selwood where he was met by "all the people of Somerset and of Wiltshire and of that part of Hampshire which is on this side of the sea (that is, west of Southampton Water), and they rejoiced to see him". Ceolwulf wants Uhtred and 50 men to defend his border. He’s trying to find a candle that burns from midday to midday. The Last Kingdom is on Netflix now and the series is based on the books called The Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell. The need to persuade his nobles to undertake work for the 'common good' led Alfred and his court scholars to strengthen and deepen the conception of Christian kingship that he had inherited by building upon the legacy of earlier kings including Offa, clerical writers including Bede, and Alcuin and various participants in the Carolingian renaissance. [176], The centerpiece of Alfred University's quad is a bronze statue of the king, created in 1990 by then-professor William Underhill. He then orders Bishop Erkenwald to escort Edward to the nearest monastery. Alfred instructs Uhtred to further test Edward’s ability. Alfred’s priests have visited the swamplands before to preach as the people of the marshlands are oblivious to God. [46] Under the terms of the so-called Treaty of Wedmore, the converted Guthrum was required to leave Wessex and return to East Anglia. They do nothing as Uhtred and his men are attacked. ("Episode 3.4"), Alfred informs Edward that they are to march in less then a week. Æthelred and Aldhelm sit down with Alfred, Ælswith, Odda, and Æthelwold. [99] The warships of the time were not designed to be ship killers but rather troop carriers. Osburh was descended from the rulers of the Isle of Wight. They must fight the pagans with Christian prayers and the blood of English men. [20], In 825, Ecgberht sent Æthelwulf to invade the Mercian sub-kingdom of Kent, and its sub-king, Baldred, was driven out shortly afterwards. Of the twenty two burhs that became boroughs three did not attain full town status. They have an army at Beamfleot. The quiet years of Alfred's life were coming to a close. Iseult proceeds to cry for the stranger’s child who will now die in Edward’s place. Alfred University : About AU : Statue of King Alfred, Alfred University, www.alfred.edu/glance/statue_of_king_alfred.cfm. That is what Æthelwold has put in danger. In 896 he ordered the construction of a small fleet, perhaps a dozen or so longships that, at 60 oars, were twice the size of Viking warships. They have no choice but to stop Odda. If the Christian faith fell into ruin in his kingdom, if the clergy were too ignorant to understand the Latin words they butchered in their offices and liturgies, if the ancient monasteries and collegiate churches lay deserted out of indifference, he was answerable before God, as Josiah had been. Bishop Erkenwald states that Edward’s wife has chosen to enter a nunnery. Beocca agrees with Edward in delaying a greater battle. The introduction may best be understood as Alfred's meditation upon the meaning of Christian law. ("Episode 3.9"), Winchester has learned of Alfred's death. [96], In the late 880s or early 890s, Alfred issued a long domboc or law code consisting of his own laws, followed by a code issued by his late seventh-century predecessor King Ine of Wessex. King Alfred does not wish to watch the outcome and leaves, asking Ælswith to fetch the children. He believed, as did other kings in ninth-century England and Francia, that God had entrusted him with the spiritual as well as physical welfare of his people. Ælswith comes out just as Uhtred walks away with Edward. The roads allowed an army quickly to be assembled, sometimes from more than one burh, to confront the Viking invader. Brother Asser swears this to be true. Beocca tries to stop Uhtred but he continues to explain how he and he alone took down Ubba. Alfred can’t trust Uhtred as he behaves like a spy, floats into Daneland and back again, tells half-truths, keeps secrets and refuses to accept the existence of the one, true God. In 1536, many Roman Catholic churches were vandalized by the people of England spurred by disillusionment with the church during the Dissolution of the Monasteries. [160] Before demolition, the monks at the New Minster exhumed the bodies of Alfred and his family to safely transfer them to a new location. Should they decide to block the river, Wessex will be starved of trade. But before Uhtred can begin, Alfred informs him that Ivar the Boneless, brother of Ubba, has been killed in Irland and Ubba has deserted Guthrum to avenge him. With civil war looming, the magnates of the realm met in council to form a compromise. [68] His interest in foreign countries is shown by the insertions which he made in his translation of Orosius. Alfred explains that Ælswith is simply upset that he’s dying. During this period, Bishop Asser gave Alfred the unique title of secundarius, which may indicate a position similar to the Celtic tanist, a recognised successor closely associated with the reigning monarch. [111], Alfred devoted considerable attention and thought to judicial matters. [78] To maintain the burhs, and to reorganise the fyrd as a standing army, Alfred expanded the tax and conscription system based on the productivity of a tenant's landholding. Steapa replies with his life. Alfred asks Æthelhelm’s opinion of Uhtred, who he sees as nothing more than an outlaw. Brown [58] The Anglo-Saxon fleet emerged victorious, and as Huntingdon accounts, "laden with spoils". 200 or more. Alfred He wants to leave the marshes and take the Danes out in one defining battle. King Athelstan of Kent and Ealdorman Ealhhere had defeated a Viking fleet in 851 capturing nine ships and Alfred had conducted naval actions in 882. ("Episode 1.4"), Uhtred quickly confronts Alfred about the outstanding debt. He intends to march against Beamfleot. Notice Ælswith watches as Beocca enters with Uhtred and tells King Alfred that now is the time. [158][i], Alfred was temporarily buried at the Old Minster in Winchester with his wife Ealhswith and later, his son Edward the Elder. And he lastly request that Uhtred serve him. He accuses Alfred of deserting Wessex. Odda explains that he’s done what he had to for Wessex. Beocca explains that Hild is proving for them. ("Episode 3.8"), Rather than attending the wedding, Beocca takes Uhtred to meet with Alfred in his Reading Room. Ælswith adds that it’s too late and that Uhtred can be across the seas by now. [180][181] The statue is placed on a pedestal consisting of two immense blocks of grey Cornish granite. Alfred tells him that if the stories are indeed true, he would be glad to welcome him into his service. They will strip them of what they have plundered and show them no mercy. Eventually, they manage to subdue the Danes. [163] Further excavations were inconclusive in 1866 and 1897. One such Catholic church was the site of Alfred's burial, Hyde Abbey. The system threatened Viking routes and communications making it far more dangerous for them. Alfred fears that Uhtred was tempted by this offer. Uhtred arrives and informs them of Æthelflæd’s health.The Danes have been boasting about her abduction and outrageous demands are soon to follow. However, Guthrum has now taken Wareham. [66], While he was in talks with Hastein, the Danes at Appledore broke out and struck north-westwards. Alfred, according to Asser, insisted upon reviewing contested judgments made by his ealdormen and reeves and "would carefully look into nearly all the judgements which were passed [issued] in his absence anywhere in the realm to see whether they were just or unjust". [71], The bases were prepared in advance, often by capturing an estate and augmenting its defences with ditches, ramparts and palisades. No ancestor of Ecgberht had been a king of Wessex since Ceawlin in the late sixth century, but he was believed to be a paternal descendant of Cerdic, the founder of the West Saxon dynasty. However, Alfred cannot. ("Episode 1.2"), Once Uhtred and Brida arrive in Winchester, Father Beocca takes them to see Alfred. Skade then calls out to Bloodhair to free her and continues to do so for the entire night. [145], It was at one time attached to a thin rod or stick based on the hollow socket at its base. After collecting reinforcements, they made a sudden dash across England and occupied the ruined Roman walls of Chester. People 100 years from now will know nothing of Uhtred, not his loyalty, advice, or bravery. Alfred informs Æthelhelm that a Great Dane army is coming and they will pray for their defeat. The plan is to march before the deepest winter makes it impossible. The impression is of a hodgepodge of miscellaneous laws. These graves remained intact until 1788 when the site was acquired by the county for the construction of a town jail. [153][154], Alfred died on 26 October 899 at the age of 50 or 51. The failure to comply with this royal order was to be punished by loss of office. [133] It is unknown when Alfred launched this programme but it may have been during the 880s when Wessex was enjoying a respite from Viking attacks. ("Episode 2.3"), Uhtred returns to Winchester. Odda tells him it’s not his business. Edward refuses to back down and begs his father to listen to him. Amongst the Wessex hostages are Father Selbix, who has been instructed to convert Guthrum to Christianity, and Uhtred, who has been instructed to escape and light beacon signals should word of Ubba's return be heard. Portrayer ("Episode 2.1"), Winchester; Kingdom of Wessex. historical Wessex), and Æthelwulf ruled in the east. He informs them that while London has been reclaimed, the brothers abducted Æthelflæd. They arrive on land and cross paths with Wulfhere’s man, Halig. As the King who dreamt of uniting the separate kingdoms of England, Alfred has integrity and true gravitas. Residence He drinks it, and she tells him there will be more tomorrow. "Therefore, he seems to me a very foolish man, and truly wretched, who will not increase his understanding while he is in the world, and ever wish and long to reach that endless life where all shall be made clear. ("Episode 1.6"), Uhtred and Iseult arrive in Winchester for the Witan. Alfred concedes, ordering his men to prepare for battle at Beamfleot. Æthelwold then swears his allegiance to Edward. Ælswith adds that it will be the shortest of ceremonies, as the king requested. Finding their position in mainland Europe precarious, they crossed to England in 330 ships in two divisions. According to Screenrant, The Last Kingdom is set in ninth-century England when Alfred the Great was king and in the show, Alfred is based on him. They remain camped. The only means left to them was to starve the burh into submission but this gave the king time to send his field army or garrisons from neighbouring burhs along the army roads. [34], In 868, Alfred was recorded as fighting beside Æthelred in a failed attempt to keep the Great Heathen Army led by Ivar the Boneless out of the adjoining Kingdom of Mercia. He tells this to Beocca in secret. Cause of Death King Alfred, Ælswith, Young Odda, Leofric, Mildrith and Beocca watch as the villagers throw spoiled food at Uhtred and Æthelwold while they grovel. Peace was further secured by Guthrum’s baptism at the hands of Father Beocca. ("Episode 3.5"), Off in the woods, Alfred, Edward, Steapa, Beocca, and the Wessex guard watch as Uhtred and his men are surrounded by Hæsten and an army of Danes. The Danes withdrew to Mercia. Reign [143], The last of the Alfredian works is one which bears the name Blostman ('Blooms') or Anthology. King of the West Saxons: 871 – c.886King of the Anglo-Saxons: c.886 – 899 He then tasks Father Pyrlig with traveling to East Anglia to deliver a letter to King Æthelstan. However, Uhtred refuses and leaves. Yet, he is reliant upon the strength of a heathen. When back at Wessex, Alfred tells Odda the Elder to propose the idea of marriage to Uhtred again, with Odda's goddaughter, Mildrith, to bind him to Wessex. Beocca instructs Uhtred to lay flat and kiss the cross. He adds that Æthelwold is with Uhtred and that they went to Mercia. King Alfred is certain that Guthrum will now retreat. ", Some Eastern Orthodox Christians believe that Alfred should be recognised as a saint. 25 episodes (see below) ("Episode 2.2"), Hild rides to Winchester and reports to Odda and King Alfred that Uhtred has been taken. Naughty Slang. [49], In other words, Alfred succeeded to Ceolwulf's kingdom consisting of western Mercia, and Guthrum incorporated the eastern part of Mercia into an enlarged kingdom of East Anglia (henceforward known as the Danelaw). He continues to grow ill. Alfred agrees that they shall march. ("Episode 1.5"), Uhtred and Æthelwold are taken before the village by Wulfhere and forced to grovel. They have many raiders from the Daneland. [11], In 868, Alfred married Ealhswith, daughter of the Mercian nobleman Æthelred Mucel, ealdorman of the Gaini, and his wife Eadburh, who was of royal Mercian descent. Wessex shall soon be Edward’s. They brought him into their trust and told him their plans. Æthelbald dies and is succeeded by his brother. [87], A document now known as the Burghal Hidage provides an insight into how the system worked. None of which will mention Uhtred. The next year, 896 (or 897), they gave up the struggle. ("Episode 2.4"), Coccham, Uhtred's Wessex Estate. Æthelwold appears amused by Ceolwulf’s rage. Leofric claims that he didn’t follow anyone and that he acted of his own will. It’s future will be secured through unions. Should they kill Æthelflæd, she will be considered a martyr, her dignity preserved. ("Episode 3.4"), Lord Æthelhelm arrives in Winchester and meets with Alfred and Edward. Hair He asks why Uhtred has come. Uhtred and Finan join them, greeting Steapa at the door. Appeared in By pardoning him, Uhtred can now become Edward’s advisor. Alfred wants it known that God, Alfred and the Ealdormen of Wessex are watching them. Winchester, Wessex Alfred is my favorite character of The Last Kingdom. ("Episode 3.3"), Ælswith reluctantly helps Alfred prepare for battle, even as he’s barely able to stand. [112] A charter from the reign of his son Edward the Elder depicts Alfred as hearing one such appeal in his chamber while washing his hands. Alfred wants Steapa at Edward’s left hand and Uhtred at his right. She's near. ("Episode 3.1"), Hæsten arrives in Winchester and informs them of a Dane warrior named Sigurd, who goes by the name of Bloodhair. Æthelhelm then asks if Uhtred is an outlaw, to which both Alfred and Ælswith claim that he is. Alfred then confronts Uhtred for killing Abbot Eadred on blessed ground. Again, Ceolwulf wants swords, even as Alfred proposes an alliance. Speaking directly from heaven. An attempt to break through the English lines failed. Among these was a raid in Kent, an allied kingdom in South East England, during the year 885, which was possibly the largest raid since the battles with Guthrum. Æthelflæd asks if Uhtred will be coming to the wedding, as she considers him a lucky charm. [31] That Latin learning had not been obliterated is evidenced by the presence in his court of learned Mercian and West Saxon clerics such as Plegmund, Wæferth, and Wulfsige. Alfred orders Steapa to put a watch on Gisela until Uhtred’s return. Edward doesn’t wish to be king, but neither did Alfred. The story covers about 40–45 years by the end of season 4. In East Anglia, he was seen with Dane leaders. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Character Based on a Real Historical Figure, https://the-last-kingdom.fandom.com/wiki/Alfred?oldid=20379, This character has been based on a real historical figure of. After King Æthelwulf died in 858, Wessex was ruled by three of Alfred's brothers in succession: Æthelbald, Æthelberht and Æthelred. Odda told Alfred that Uhtred believed he was acting under the king’s orders. Realizing that tyrant he has become and the treason he has committed, Odda kills Young Odda. He makes himself known. He admits that taking Uhtred’s children was an irrational decision, though they have been taken care of. In fact, several of Alfred's laws contradicted the laws of Ine that form an integral part of the code. For all of Alfred's family, see below. Alfred orders Steapa to lock Winchester down and bring him Uhtred. Æthelwold confesses his sins of loving women and tits. It is his goal to use Uhtred's Danish knowledge and sword for a service term of one year to take back English lands from his enemies, whilst dangling the deliverance of Bebbanburg over his head. Pagan whore who never should ’ ve remained with the Danes have been boasting about her abduction outrageous. 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