Being on set and getting a chance to dive in creatively into different scenarios as an actor, learning how to direct…. I’ll also continue to look for great projects, and help women with self-defense…. Will he try and cover it up? What is, in the end, the most important is how she chooses to handle that prophecy. It was so beautiful. After killing White Hair, Lagertha – who was seriously wounded – rode back to Kattegat. [Laughs] I’m happy to say that I have three movies coming out next year. It’s so hard to put into words. TVLINE | It’s interesting to hear you say that because I almost asked about the rain conditions, but I figured you’ve done so much grueling stuff over the years that it’s almost old hat now and blends together. No compatible source was found for this media. (s4e12 20:00) We know Lagertha is true to her word. January 8 2020, 8:02 PM PST, RELATED STORIES Everybody wanted to applaud after, because it was my last moment, but I just wanted to be warm. It was below zero, so it was probably the most physically challenging scene to shoot because you not only have to be present as an actor, but you try to not freeze to death. A son of Ragnar will kill Lagertha. Prince Philip's Funeral Watched By Audience Of More Than 13M In…, Formula One Announces Arrival of Miami Race in 2022, 'Sound of Metal' and 'The Trial of the Chicago 7' Split the MPSE…, 'How It Feels to Be Free' Review: A Captivating Documentary…, Stop Overpaying — These Are the Best Affordable Printers for…, Copyright © 2021 TVLine Media, LLC. Stint Set to End — How Does He Stack Up…, David Boreanaz Addresses Uncertainty Surrounding SEAL Team Season 5…, An 'Angry' and 'Hurt' Sharon Osbourne Tells Bill Maher 'I've Been…, Netflix's Vikings: Valhalla Spinoff Casts Sabrina's Sam Corlett as Leif Eriksson, The TVLine-Up: What's Returning, New and Leaving the Week of Dec. 27, April Streaming Guide: What's New on Netflix, Disney+ and More. By visiting this site, you consent to have cookie data stored. She does not flinch when Ragnar's son Ubbe comes at her in a blind fury. And then I got a chance to work with Liam Neeson on The Minuteman, which is more of an action thriller. So, that was specifically written for Lagertha, by this incredible artist. Perhaps one of the biggest clues is the prophecy Lagertha was foretold by the Seer … Matt Webb Mitovich / It definitely weighs on him. It’s a phenomenal script written by Jez Butterworth. SPOILER ALERT: This article discusses Episode 16 (entitled "Crossing") of History Channel's Vikings Season 4 as well as historical information about some of the main characters in Vikings. Lagertha pulls a knife on the tied-up Harald in the controversial scene on Vikings. Even though you have leather and stuff, you’re soaked head to toe. In the fight for his life, does Ubbe die? That’s it. Torvi (Georgia Hirst) asks Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) what happened to her and what she learned while in between life and death. Who killed Lagertha? Do you kind of want to do something a little lighter? TVLINE | I really thought that Lagertha had decided it was the end for her, but then there was that twist where she jabbed him with the shield shard, which was so Lagertha.So Lagertha. It took a few decades, but Lagertha … Lagertha died and her funeral was shown in the next episode, but her death fulfilled yet another one of the Seer’s prophecies, this time one that said she … Another significant character absent from the season finale was King Harald (Peter Franzén) who was hurt in a battle of Kattegat. She knows about the prophecy, which made it clear that one of Ragnar’s sons would eventually be her undoing. Oh, no. Even with any rehearsal practice, it’s always different when you’re fighting someone with a different stature. Note: The song was composed by Song of the Goat Theatre — one of Europe’s most innovative theatre companies — with Grzegorz Bral as music director, and performed by renowned Polish vocalist/songwriter/ improviser Anna Maria Jopek.]. (s4e14 20:38) Lagertha's fate revealed: The last we saw Lagertha in the finale, the shieldmaiden had been stabbed brutally in the chest during the siege on Paris. Like, will he be found out right away? I’m glad it was Hvitserk in the end that killed Lagertha, and not Ivar or Bjorn or Ubbe. The prophecy. Hvitserk always admired Lagertha, and he didn’t necessarily want to ever be the enemy, but he’s just so messed up. It is unknown if Ragnar's story is real or a child-friendly tale to his son Björn referencing his battle with … I gotta go. She had sustained grave wounds. I was like, “OK, thanks. Her name as recorded by Saxo, Lathgertha, is likely a Latinisation of the Old Norse Hlaðgerðr. Right? I’ve had such a growth spurt the last seven years that it’s really made me who I am today as a person, and it’s definitely has been a highlight of my career. Jeopardy! Though Lagertha survived that battle, it did not come without cost. At least that’s what actress Katheryn Winnick has revealed. In the episode which aired, viewers see Lagertha visiting Gunnhild to say goodbye before leaving for Kattegat. TVLINE | At the end of the day, what did the Vikings experience mean to you?Everything. (Photo: History. In some ways, you can make the argument that Lagertha is operating on borrowed time. If you like TVLine, you'll LOVE our weekly newsletter. In terms of Lagertha’s story, I couldn’t ask for a better death. The other company that I just invested in is called June Shine. Michael Hirst sent me the song before my death [scene] and if you translate it, it’s really powerful to hear the words. Episode 16 of History's Vikings Season 4 saw the Seer predict Lagertha will die at the hands of one of Ragnar Lothbrok's sons. Hvitserk, ever haunted and hallucinating, stepped outside and saw what he believed to be a giant, hissing serpent — and violently stab it, he did! Lagertha is dead. She arrived at Hvitserk’s home, but this one, in a state of delirium, hallucinated a serpent he believed to be Ivar and stabbed it, but he was actually attacking Lagertha. TVLINE | Along the way, you also played a badass on Person of Interest, you played a badass on Wu Assassins…. When Michael played it for me, I was in the heat tent just in tears. Luckily enough, the fans really spoke out and were beyond loyal. She effectively warns Aslaug, and declares her intentions in advance. It’s been a busy year, and for [2020] I hope to direct more. 3.21.2016 4:55 PM. And then do the second section, because it’s so intense and the cameras have to catch those moments before. There are two different ways in which to read some of what is being said here by Winnick. She’s in a different place, also, losing her grandkid. He’s struggling with the responsibility, making wrong choices, and I think Lagertha’s death really is the biggest low for him. Lagertha is such a big part of me. It took us weeks, really, to rehearse that — with our stunt guys, but also together because once we rehearsed independently, [Kieran O’Reilly] is so much taller than me. [Ed. [That comes out in] the episode I directed [airing Jan. 22]. Additionally, what episode does Ragnar die in Vikings? And I did Wander, opposite Tommy Lee Jones and Aaron Eckhart, shot by a female director (April Mullen). According to modern scholarship, it is likely that Lagertha was not a historical figure, but a reflection of tales about Viking warrior women or about the Norse deity Thorgerd. I’ve been so fortunate to have such loyal fans that it made it almost impossible to kill me. What a way to go, to have a song written for you and about you. In the recent episode titled 'Hell', Bishop Heahmund was killed by King Harald's army as arrows fell from the sky and pierced his chest while he screamed out Lagertha's name. Or were you pretty much left wondering season to season? It was insane. In Season 4 episode 5, Lagertha shows what happens when you mess with her Lauren Sarner. Ragnar killed the bear with his spear and strangled the hound with his bare hands, thus gaining her hand in marriage. TVLINE | What has Michael Hirst’s party line to you been over the years, as far as how long Lagertha would last on the show? Despite Gunnhild’s (Ragga Ragnars) belief the evil bandits would not be back, Lagertha was correct to expect their return. Then again, having this target on her makes her all the more exciting to watch as a character. I wanted it to be like a dialogue scene without the dialogue, where it has its own beginning, middle and a climax. It’s the most comfortable sweats you can possibly live in. But it seems that some that some things are a near-certainty, as Lagertha won’t die at the hands of Ivar the Boneless. Except, it was of course Lagertha into whom his blade plunged. Could Lagertha die on Vikings season 5 episode 10? In Vikings season six, episode six, titled Death and Serpent the bandits attacked Lagertha’s village once again. According to legend, Lagertha was a Viking shield-maiden and ruler from what is now Norway, and the onetime wife of the famous Viking Ragnar Lodbrok. We were shooting in the rain, and for some reason it was cold this year in Ireland. She’s not trying to change fate. “I just read the new script last night,” she explained, adding that Season 3 is currently in the works. Michael Hirst made it clear that it’s a show about the sons of Ragnar, it’s a male demographic show, it’s on History Channel, they’re mostly males that watch it… but I fought my way through, and they made creative choices with Lagertha that weren’t even really written so much in the earlier years. He was away at the time, which I imagine will crush him. I actually helped a lot with the choreography to try to figure out the beats. Lagertha was brought up by her father to be a Shield-maiden.At an unspecified time, Ragnar went to Lagertha's home to confess his love for her, but he was set upon by a bear and an enormous hound who guarded her home. She knows about the prophecy, which made it clear that one of Ragnar’s sons would eventually be her undoing. This Wednesday on History’s Vikings, an inevitability became a tragic reality— and a prophecy was shockingly fulfilled — as one of the epic saga’s bravest, truest and most formidable warriors met their end. Vikings is a show filled with epic battles, sly … Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) ... the rocks of the cave came crashing down in the penultimate episode of season 5, but whether he survived or not, was not shown. And I got to give Marco [Ilsø] a lot of credit. We’ve probably killed more than 200 [characters] over the years, so I knew that it could be overlooked, or it could be just no big deal, or it could not be a big event, but I think Lagertha deserves something that’s different and definitely heart-wrenching — and I think [series creator] Michael Hirst did a great job by writing that. If the prophecy is true, then so be it — she’ll go out fighting and doing what she wants. "Vikings" vet Katheryn Winnick opens up about Lagertha's fiercest battle in Season 6 Episode 6, and what is next. Lagertha was fated to die at the hands of one of Ragnar's sons, and it all played out in brutal fashion on Vikings Season 6 Episode 6. Long live the queen. Lagertha died in Vikings season 6 when Hvitserk, in a state of delirium, hallucinated a serpent he believed to be his brother, Ivar, and proceeded to stab it, but he was actually attacking Lagertha (who was already wounded after a battle). As the plague takes hold, Gyda is a victim and passes away. Further season 2 hopes. You can speculate all you want about which son will ultimately be the responsible party, but that ultimately does not matter as much. The first season of the series begins at the start of the Viking Age, marked by the Lindisfarne raid in 793. Lagertha was killed in season 6 episode 6 of Vikings (Image: HISTORY) After a brutal battle with saw the deaths of many children and women, Lagertha came face to face with White Hair. Lagertha was killed by a son of Ragnar. Vikings season 4 featured a shocking twist in episode 5 titled Promised, which aired on 17 March. There’s Flag Day with Sean Penn, which he directed and starred in with his daughter Dylan Penn. Is Shameless new tonight on Showtime? I’ll tell you one more thing about the death, though. There is something that can be enthralling about chaos and seeing the world almost burn down. Her tale was recorded by the chronicler Saxo in the 12th century. TVLINE | What can you tease about Bjorn’s reaction to this loss? [Warning: This story contains spoilers from Wednesday's episode of Vikings, “In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning.”]. You can speculate all you want about which son will ultimately be the responsible party, but that ultimately does not matter as much. For starters, there’s the anxious reading of it — it absolutely makes some sense to be worried about the character’s future much in the way that you should be worried about her future. Taps Sportscaster Joe Buck to Guest-Host This Summer, Aaron Rodgers' Jeopardy! TVLINE | What sort of repercussions can you tease for Hvitserk after Lagertha’s death? Depending on how you look at it, she was actually killed by two of them. This was her living her last moments, in fight-or-flight mode. But it gives her certain a strength and a certain courage, and she definitely goes into every experience being grateful and kind, but also fearless.”, Related – Read more news regarding Vikings season 5 and what lies ahead. TVLINE | What did you think about the circumstances of what would be her actual death, at the hand of an unwitting Hvitserk? I really hope people for years to come will continue to binge-watch and continue to follow Lagertha, in terms of having a role model for years to come. The following contains Valhalla lotta spoilers from the Jan. 8 episode of History’s Vikings. The TVLine-Up: What's Returning, New and Leaving the Week of Dec. 27. I also became an investor on two different things — a clothing brand called Vuori, which I’m actually wearing right now. But when it appeared that Lagertha had been bested and was ready/willing to ascend to Valhalla, she used her last shard of shield to gouge White Hair’s neck, slaying him. All rights That was actually an extremely intense rehearsal period, just because it was such an important moment for Lagertha, her last fight. All while acting Lagertha’s last moment on camera! So, who will it be and can history help uncover who it is? She’s not immortal, but I wanted an epic death. What’s next for you? According to legend, Lagertha was a Viking shieldmaiden and ruler from what is now Norway, and the onetime wife of the famous Viking Ragnar Lodbrok. She knows that she has to live in the moment — otherwise, she may not be living at all. Filming for seven years in Ireland, being away from your family and your friends, and making a new family there. She’s at a different stage of her life where she’s pulling up all her entire history of being a shield maiden, and also she’s physically exhausted, a lot older, and it’s mentally draining. Katheryn Winnick talks possibility, Is Men in Kilts new tonight on Starz? I wanted something amazing. Eventually, her horse sidled up to Hvitserk’s home, and Lagertha slumped off the steed and into the muddy road. In Wednesday's episode of Vikings, "Death and the Serpent," Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) was killed by one of Ragnar's (Travis Fimmel) sons. reserved.PMC Entertainment. How did Lagertha die? If anything, she knows that’s how she’ll go: that one day, a son will kill her. It also had huge emotional arcs within it, to the point of exhaustion and physicality. Lagertha's shocking act in the final scenes of the episode caused a major character's death. Though Lagertha outwardly shows little emotion, perhaps in being strong for the afflicted community, it's clear her heart is broken as she places Gyda's body on a funeral pyre and burns it. Netflix's Vikings: Valhalla Spinoff Casts Sabrina's Sam Corlett as Leif Eriksson It was really challenging. She can run away from it and fear, or continue to fight and embrace her future, whatever it may hold. By Big Brother Canada 9 interview: Tina Thistle on eviction, Kiefer’s game. She’s not acting out of fear. And with that, Lagertha was dead. Originally when I came on, Lagertha was only supposed to last maybe two or three seasons. This is the biggest, most profound death we’ve had in Vikings since Season 4, Episode 15 “All His Angels” and the death of Ragnar (Travis Fimmel). Point of exhaustion and physicality: that one of Ragnar in Vikings mat or like. Most comfortable sweats you can speculate all you want about which son will her. 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